Agudath Israel “Deeply Disappointed” by NYS Assembly Vote

agudah3.jpgAfter the New York State Assembly passed a bill that would legalize alternative-lifestyle marriage in the state, Agudath Israel of America expressed its “deep disappointment, both in the outcome of the vote and in the process leading up to it.”

In a statement sent yesterday to all members of the New York State legislature, Agudath Israel joined with three other major Orthodox organizations – the National Council of Young Israel, the Rabbinical Council of America and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America – in opposing any redefinition of marriage.

The statement noted that the Jewish religious tradition forbids acts of Toeva, and sanctions only the union of a man and a woman in matrimony.

The Orthodox organizations expressed their “sincere conviction that discarding the historical definition of marriage would pose a severe danger to society in a variety of ways.”  The statement further noted the “chilling” prospect that “members of communities like ours will incur moral opprobrium and may risk legal sanction if they refuse to transgress their beliefs” in the face of the legalization of alternative-lifestyle marriages.

Agudath Israel executive vice president for government and public affairs Rabbi David Zwiebel called attention to the hasty process by which the bill was brought to the Assembly floor for a vote.  “The Assembly Judiciary Committee never even scheduled a hearing on the proposal, as should be customary for controversial, revolutionary legislation of this sort.  Such a hearing would have brought to the fore numerous problems with this bill, including its negative impact on religious communities like ours.”

Instead, the Agudath Israel leader averred, “the Judiciary Committee simply voted on the bill without seeking public input or expert opinion, forwarded it to the Rules Committee where it underwent a similar pro forma approval process, from where it was immediately sent to the floor of the Assembly for passage.  That is not the way to treat a proposal that would overturn thousands of years of human experience.”

Rabbi Zwiebel said he was encouraged by the stance taken by the 61 members of the Assembly who voted against the proposal, reserving special comment for Assemblyman Dov Hikind, whose broadly publicized statement on the Assembly floor in opposition to the bill “helped dispel any notion that such a redefinition of marriage is in any way acceptable to the Orthodox Jewish community.”

The Agudath Israel leader also praised the State Senate, under the leadership of Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, where the bill failed to advance.  “Had the Senate followed the Assembly’s lead,” he said, “New York would have become the first state to radically redefine marriage through the legislative process.  The Senate leadership was wise to resist such a dubious historic distinction.”

10 Responses

  1. Aside from the fact that I think that’s a christian saying, what do you mean? That they will later suffer for this decision? Or that this is the punishment for something WE have done?

  2. Sheldon Silver voted for the alternative lifestyle marriage bill.

    Where is Aguda on the mandatory fingerprint bill for private schools? They say it passed the Senate, but what’s happening in the Assembly? On this they’re quiet.

  3. This is the second news item in which an institution(s) of the Torah observant community has/have publically issued an opinion in a political debate. (OU/stem cell research)


    It is my hope that the institutions of the Torah community not involve themselves in secular political debates and more energetically pursue their role in addressing and leading the Jewish community to a fuller understanding, deeper love and more dedicated practice of Torah, mitzvot and halacha.

  4. Reb Motcha – I do not know christian sayings. There is a kapitel Tehilim that says Hazorim Bedima Berina Yikzoru. If instead of supporting or propping up candidates that are good (until they are elected) financially to assorted organizations, they would support candidates that are good morally this would not be an issue.

  5. davidl,
    Many agree with your approach. However one of the major goals of the above institutions is public advocacy which includes the above issues.

  6. “Hazorim bidimah birina yiktzoru” does not mean that, or anything close to that. That is a misapplied posuk, entirely.

    The English language has absorbed several christian sayings that most people do not know are christian.

    Having done a lot of anti-missionary work, I know a little about this, unfortunately. Most people don’t know it, but phrases like “fell by the wayside,” “physician heal thyself,” “one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing,” and certain other sayings are all straight out of verses from the christian bible.

    You, and many other people, wouldn’t be expected to know this, so I wasn’t accusing you of anything.

  7. i dont understand what the problem is !!!

    when spitzer was runing for gov, everyone knew he would advocate immoral behavior, and advocate legislating immoral behavior. yet, all the jewish organizations, charedi, chassidish, agudist, modernish, etc all fell over themselves honoring spitzer at their diners, giving him awards, and issuing press releases, etc.

    noew that he’s givernor, and saying and doing exactly what he said he’s gonna do, they are complaing???

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