OU Welcomes Stem Cell Executive Order; Disappointed with Veto

ou logo23.jpgToday, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, commended President George W. Bush for issuing an executive order to promote non-embryonic types of stem cell research through federally funded agencies. Under the executive order, the Department of Health and Human Services will be required to create guidelines for funding stem cell research that utilizes skin cells, amniotic fluid, and other sources. Although the UOJCA continues to support all types of stem cell research, including embryonic, the UOJCA commends President Bush for taking action today that encourages potentially life-saving stem cell research.

Nathan Diament, Director of Public Policy for the UOJCA issued the following statement:

The Jewish tradition places great value upon human life and its preservation. The Torah commands us to treat and cure the ill and to defeat disease wherever possible; to do this is to be the Creator’s partner in safeguarding the created. The traditional Jewish perspective thus emphasizes that the potential to save and heal human lives is an integral part of valuing human life. Stem cell research is consistent with and serves these moral and noble goals.

The UOJCA appreciates President Bush’s efforts to have the federal government support many forms of stem cell research. We commend the President for the order he has issued today. We are disappointed that the President vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 passed by Congress, and we will continue to support its final enactment into law.

We recognize that those who oppose this research and this legislation do so upon the basis of deeply and sincerely held moral beliefs. So too, the UOJCA supports the array of stem cell research options because of our deeply held moral and religious traditions. We commend all those who engage in this important debate with respect and civility for those with whom they disagree; that is the only type of debate this issue deserves.

3 Responses

  1. It seems the OU holds emryonic stem cell research is OK. I heard the same B’shem the Gedolei Haposkim. People often assume that if the Christians are against it so are we – not neccesarily true.

  2. davidl
    This is a lot more than just a political issue. Its a major halachic issue with incredible real life ramifications.

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