Petira Of Rebbitzen Sarah Pam A”H

4:00PM: YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Sarah Pam A”H, just moments ago. Rebbitzen Pam was the wife of Hagon Rav Avraham Yaakov HaKohen Pam ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Brooklyn, New York.

Lakewood Hatzolah was called to the home of a family member in Lakewood where she had been living recently, at approximately 3:00PM on Monday afternoon, and found her in cardiac arrest. Paramedics attempted to resuscitate her, but were unfortunately unsuccessful.

She was 94 years old.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Tuesday morning 10:30 at Shomre Hadas – 14th Avenue & 39th Street, in Boro Park.

The family will be sitting shiva at the home of her grandchildren, Rabbi and Mrs. Koppenheim – 179 Regent Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

11 Responses

  1. BDE

    There was no one like her husband A”H, there was no one like her A”H. IMHO neither could have achieved the level of greatness with out the other.

    Halvei we’d have more like them. Who comes close, understanding-wise and patience-wise to Rav Pam A”H? Like a father to everyone who came to seek his wisdom.

  2. BD”E. Today (27 Teves) is also my mother’s OBM yahrtzeit. I once heard that this date (27) is an allusion to the purity of the niftar’s neshama – “Zach” (zayin chaf, which is 27 backwards).

    In addition, the letters of the name of this chodesh – Teves – stand for “Tikaveir B’seiva Tovah” (again, reading th letters in reverse order)!

    Yehi zichrah b’ruchah!

  3. As a former talmid of R’ Pam zatzal, one could see what she gave to Rebbi-her nefesh. There is a famous Story that she gave her hard saved money that she was going to use for a trip to Eretz Yisrael instead for Shuvu’s summer camp. She was mistapik Bimuat. To live in her house was to see tzidikus in action.

    Tihe Nishmosoh Tzrurah Btzror Hachayim

  4. As a talmud, I was amazed of her protection of Rav Pam zt’l.
    When I brought my children there she always was so warm and grandmotherly with them.
    What I was most impressed is that Rebbe and the Rebbetzin were a normal couple that raised a normal family and reached such a high level.
    It is a musar haskel for all of us. One can live a normal life and become a gadol.

  5. BDE – gedola misas tzadikim – Reb. Pam ZTL was a real person. No fanfare, no shtick.
    No wonder Hagaon Rav Pam ZTL never put on a KAPOTO or even a brimmed up hat.
    They were both such Tzenuim, so unpretentious. We have to learn from this holy couple so so much.
    They should go in front of the kisei hakovod together and be melitzei yosher. yehi zichrom boruch.

  6. Boruch Dayan Emes!
    The family should have a Nechama & she should be a mailitz yosher for klal Yisroel!
    Does anyone know if there’s going to be a levaya in Lakewood as well, since she was nifteres there?

  7. boruch dayan haemes She’ll be the true malitze yeshoro to bring the Geula NOW and Moshiach together with Rav Pam,ZL,eishes chaver kechaver, they were the best team for us in klal yisroel, emulating our Torah hakedosha as I have seen together with my mother,olav hashalom, & my father, OH. With her kind speaking words to all & mitzvohs she always did.I will surely miss her as she is in my memories to help my precious children be mechabeid their Mother now daily in my home, with my grandchildren. Hamokom Yenachem Eschem bsoch Shearei Avlei Tzion b’yerushalayim, Hashem is the only one who will comfort you all.vehu keetzu verannenu schonay ufar vhu besocham.With sincere comforting wishes lenechama, Gittel & Eliezer Kozak

  8. During Rabbi Reisman’s shiur this past Motza’ay Shabbos (Rabbi Reisman was one of Rav Pam’s principal talmidim), he mentioned that after Rav Pam zt”l was niftor, Rebbetzin Pam a”h b’davka ironed Rav Pam’s kittel before they took it for the kevura . . .

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