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Lakewood Evening of Chizuk

yw 1.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE it.) Rav Aharon Teitelbaum of Satmar visited the home of Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, rosh yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood, at 6:45PM, prior to BMG’s Evening of Chizuk. Complete coverage and pictures of this event will be posted later. Photos courtesy of Yated Ne’eman.


yw 2.jpg

66 Responses

  1. It’s not my place to complimant such a ‘Adom Gadol’, but that speach wow , the bekius and the more mekomes, realy unbelievable………….Thank You Lakewood for inviting the Satmer Rebbe….

  2. Indeed, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita, rosh yeshvas Slabodka, was phenomenal. It was such a kavod to have him speak.

  3. WOW it was good to see and to know that there is a chasdishe rabbi that is godel and a big tamud chochem and a roshe yeshive and a bal darshen
    about the speach it was gevaldig if any oone knows where i acn listen to it again please post the number

  4. I have heard R’ Ahron (Teitelbaum, that is) speak before and he an excellent baal darshon–not that my approval is necessary. Was the event recorded? Please post if you have information re where to obtain the recording.

  5. A point to ponder: Why did BMG (a litvishe makom torah) have to come on to Satmar (aka: the Chsidishe mosdos) to be the guest speaker at one of BMGs most prestigious events??!! I’m not a Misnaged CHV’S, however I have never seen any litvisher yeshiva ‘bring in’ a rebbeh or a chasidishe mosed bring in a ‘Rosh Yeshiva’?!! Something is very odd here. My best guess – “V’hakesef yaneh es hakol”! (vhamyvin yovin – I’ll leave it at that, even though there’s a lot to be said)

  6. I’m really glad that I was there at this historic event. it was a Real kevod hatorah, to see how all the Talmidie Chachamim under one roof, were gloating with Simchas Hatorah! the diveri chizuk of the rebbe to the Avrechim was really heartfelt and appropriate!

  7. I guess Rav Shmuel Berenbaum, Rav Henoch Leibowitz , Rav Chaim Stein and Rav Chaim Epstein or any other talmid of R’Shnuer ZT”L were unable to speak at an event dedicated to the memory of the Rosh Yeshivah. I’m sure that the KJ Satmar Rebbe is a talmid chacham, but this just doesn’t add up.

    Edited by Site Moderation Panel.

  8. For those inquiring about a number to listen to the Satmer Rebbes speach, you can call 718-305-6942, it may take a day or two for them to put it on the system.

  9. frumblogger,

    that was unbelievably cynical. Let’s say it did bring them in donations, the Rebbe is obviously a world class talmid chochom and having him speak shows achdus.
    For your information Reb Yaakov spoke at the Satmar Rebbe’s (Divrei Yoel)levaya

  10. Frumblogger- tht was realy an inappropriate way to term your comments. The lakewood community made a huge deal out of teh skverer rebbes visit just a few months ago, rav malkiel and rav matisyahu stood up when he enterd and left the room.

    lets say there was even a calculated effort to have him speak as an atttempt to draw in more donations…. so what. He knew that, and still came to speak. Obviously he agrees with helping out the cause… something which your comment did very little toward.

  11. frumblogger
    you write “i am not a misnaged CH”V”
    i take it you are not a misnaged but why chas veshalom?
    do others say they are not satmer ch”v?

  12. Reb Yaakov spoke at the Satmar Rebbe’s (Divrei Yoel)levaya

    Totally no financial agenda – pure kvod hatorah!

    While I of course believe there should NEVER EVER be ANY ‘perud’ in klall yisroel, the fact remains that you never saw the Satmer Rebbe, Reb Yoel ZTVK’L at any of the litvisher fuctions (i.e Agudah conventions etc).

    Why now, especially when there’s unfortunately a well known ‘pirud’ among many chasidus, and at Satmer in particular, I find it VERY ODD that the Rebbeh was the main guest speaker, and find it hard to believe in my heart that BMG, and the choshever Rosh Hayesivos are now trying to create an ‘acdus’ in klal yisroel – I still maintain there are some political agendas here that are being covered up under the banner of ‘acdus’ etc. Just MY humble opinion here. I HOPE my thoughts are wrong! I ask of you to explain this unusual phenomenon so I can see the emes here. Please!!

  13. frumblogger

    i do not feel like you do about this.
    but it is clear that you are sincere in what you feel to be the Emes in the situation, and not out to criticize.
    it is also clear that you are open to learning and possibly changing your mind.
    may the zchus of such a precious attitude bring you to constant growth and achievment in Avodas Hashem.

  14. I am still concerned over the ‘chaptzem’ that happened as the Rebbe Shlit”a was approaching the dais.
    I hope everyone is okay. I was very concerned.

    Would YW have any photos?

  15. even if it would be for money purposes I still dont see any problem with it. especially when he is a world known speaker ( as we saw yesterday) and his drushas leaves a huge hashpoah on all listners, people set there with open mouth the tent was dead queit to hear his drusha.
    but anyway the idea off a chasideshe rabbi to speak in the lita is an old one
    some history points

    1) the satmar rabbi baal divrie yoel spoke at hte telze yeshive in clevland

    2) last week the bobver rabbi spoke in telz, chicago

    3)the satmar rabbi baal divry yoel gave a famous hasped at the levaya of R aron kotler z”l

    4) the satmar rabbi baal birach moshe gave a famous hasped at the levaya of R Shnier kotler z”l

    5) r’ malkiel kotler spoke last winter in satmar by a siyum

    6) the satmar rabbi baal birach moshe held once a drusha in lakwood yeshiva

    7)the skvere rabbi who visted lakwood recently was invited to visit the yeshiva by r malkiel shlite

    so ther is no “wonder” or a “why” question here, the rabbi deliverd a major drusha which the lakwood true torah yidentim (who by chance have the same torah as the chassim) exepted it with an ernomus simcha, just those who have other questions or other side reasons… try to make it look fishy
    to me it was a huge kvod hatorah ikvod loimdaho bemes ibygiah

  16. When klall yisroel is unified and there is no more sinas chinom, then Moshiach can come. Why shouldn’t the Satmar Rebbe come to Lakewood? (Unfortunately, there is sinas chinom even among the Satmars against their “own” kind,and between one group of Chassidim and another, and I’m sure among all of us, there is also sinas chinom, so we have a way to go toward getting along with each other.)

  17. its very nice to play the achdus game. but our religion requires us to protest where needed. ppl have to know who satmar is and the recenr events that was played out by them are completely not acceptable

  18. To Frum blogger: FYI,Satmer and Lakewood are old good friends, R’Aron zt”l and R’Yoel of Satmer, as well as R’Shnier Zt”l and R’Moshe (previous satmer rebbe) had very close ties, and the chain continues, R’Malkiel Shlita and the current Satmer Rebbe have a very close relationship for years, I myself being a close acqaintent of the Rosh HaYeshiva Shita, experienced several rendezvous betwen the two. In addition as we all know, Satmer made a very large scale siyum lately, where the R’Malkiel was the guest speaker……….

    To: Awareness: I’m not sure what in the world your talking about, however if you refer to Netira Karta, they have NO connection to Satmer, although it may look like they do, THEY DON’T!!!

  19. I believe bmg walked into a trap when the rosh yeshiva shlita went to speak there.
    now we had to invite the rebbe shlita back & write that he is satmar rebbe,a point that is contended by tens of thousands. but we sort of appointed/anointed him.
    dont take me wrong wrong, he is a tremendous rebbe, that doesnt need anyone haskamas, but bmg got stuck in the middle of a undesirable situation.

    also “even” i heard the previous klausenberger rebbe ztvk”l gave a shiur klali in bmg.
    when di # 6 occur?

  20. well all who plassed a comment on this article sure aren’t haise satmere chassidim (wouldnt have internet(intervelt) )!!!!!
    but i know that the Rebbe shlita is meshoenedikke talmid chacham!
    who ever klaims this is political is questioning daas toire!!!!

  21. ok – i hear, the evidence is there – BMG / Satmar connection is becoming evedent.

    So now I ask 2 quick questions:
    1. why Reb Aaron, and not Reb Zalman Leib??
    2.did any of the Satmer Rabbeim shlit’a or previous ZT’L attend the SYUM HASHASen (or any other Agudah sponserd event)?

  22. To even:
    you wrote that..last week the bobver rabbi spoke in telz, chicago…
    Sorry you have your facts wrong..
    The Bobover Rebbi was not in Chicago last week, he was in Boro Park all week..get your facts straight…

  23. to: Comment by Avreich
    i am not talking about Netira Karta. i am talking abouth the massive fights going on which is constantly reported in the NY Post and the like. it causes a massive chilul hashem

  24. haleviei rabbi malkiel shlita would’ve made as much $ when he went to williamsburg to speak as rebbe ahron shlita made here last night from the several stops he made in lakewood.
    this too shows how our balie batim support all causes!

  25. Sabra: FYI, the Satmer Rebbe made No stops for fund raising purposes. In matter of fact some one offered to make a small gathering to raise funds and guarnted the rebbe he’d raise 100k, the rebbe said, when I come for Lakewood BMG I can’t involve anything else, I asked the gabai if I can go into the rebbe tonight, his answer was ‘the rebbe says we came tonight for BMG, we’ll still come bez’h”

    Frum blogger: FYI, for those that are a bit familiar with satmar know that the previous rebbe and his oldest son worked hand by hand, this means most of satmer’s internationl personal friends had relationships with the rebbe and his oldest son the present reebbe, R’Z.L. only came into the picure 20 years later, try to get your facts straight, I can help…….

  26. Awareness: I’m not sure why you say recent things going on in SATMER that our “religion requires us to protest” is the fighting in that large yeshiva in B.B.Israel not worse…….let’s all try to fix ourselfs first…


  28. oh guys come on dont you see these people writing against satmar rabbi who came on behalf of our yeshiva are those people of the other side of satmar which cant face that our rosh yeshiva. and for those who dont know: BMG were the only litvish on which satmar ALWAYS looked up as the rabbi said last night DER YESHIVA HUT NISHT MESHANA GEVEHN FIN DI EMES’DIGA LITVISH DERECH HALIMID IN DER HYM (before world war2) and as all our previous roshy yeshivas were close with the satmar rabbyim. and we really enjoyed his speech.

  29. My opinion as a longtime lakewood resident is that the chizuk event is “History in the making” we had the Rebbe of the biggest chassidus on earth attend our chizuk event and what I learned now is that the Satmar Rebbe unlike other chassidish Rebbe’s is the ONLY rebbe who sits and learns a WHOLE day torah, which makes it the main reason of why he should be the candidate to give us chizuk and support that even though this Adom choshuv who is the leader of a vast empire of Mosdos and organization’s etc, is sitting and learning a WHOLE day and doesn’t use any excuses, thus he is the best exemple for us, and besides I was very impressed with the ease of “Chariffus” and “Yegias Hatorah” that the Rebbe posseses, I always thought that a Chassidisher Rebbe doesn’t neccesserly need to be a “gaon” also but the Satmar rebbe proved us wrong…so this is real “History in the making” and I am proud that BMG is meachud the biggest chassidish gadol with our roshei yeshiva, its a match made in heaven!! KO L’Chai

  30. I have a very close friend who is a Gadol, and he told me that these “cross pollinization” (my term, not his) chizuk meetings and drashas at other yeshivas are very important for achdus, and that although a lot of “politics” is involved, in the long-term, that are extremely important for the olyim.

  31. Thanks everyone for providing me with more facts to help me understand that what I originally thought were ‘suspicious’ motives of BMG are actually not suspicious at all. I have changed my mind, and publicly ask mechila if I offended CHV’S any rov, rosh yeshiva, rebbeh, or pushter yidden.

  32. dear ffb
    with all due respect to the Satmar rebbe’s hasmada & geoniuos, he was also a rosh yeshiva in monroe for the past 15-20 years saying a shiur almost every day. so is his brother.
    but he is by no means the only rebbe that learns the whole day, the 2 klausenberger rebbes are outstanding talmedai chochomim & masmidim as are the 3 rebbes of viznits & kosov,belz, tolna,rachminstrivke,ger, & tens more, who am i or u to judge?!? or to list that or to make such a statement. You MAY BE the product of years of brainwashing that only the litvishe learn.

    let me make one other point.
    when rebbe malkiel shlita spoke @ satmar siyum in williamsburg, the room was silent, u could hear a pin drop, the kovod hatorah was amazing.
    while rebbe ahron shlita was speaking @ bmg tent the olem wasnt exactly silent, shmoozing, eating( an understatment) & smoking…. so we do have to learn from them about kovod hatorah

  33. To Sabra:

    I can assure you, that if the undisputed GADOL HADOR in the USA would have been saying a Shiur, there would have been total silence.


    I’m referring to Rav Shmuel Berenbaum – the S’gan Ha’roshei yeshivos – who face BMG just stubbed their toe in.

    Quite frankly, it’s a bizayon hatorah.

    ANYONE who says differently is sick.

  34. as a long time lakewood resident we all know that lakewood has a special relationship with satmar going back to the times when the satmar rebbe rav yoel zl told his chassidim to give monney to rav ahrons yeshiva when maron rav ahron was alive !!

    concerning the recent event rav aron of satmar asked to speak this is the first time he spoke in lakewood

    Maron Rav shmuel Birnbaum has spoken many times and was invited to speak many times and say shiurim in yeshiva so has many other roshei hayeshiva

    all those in lakewood no the truth ita bigger kavod to speak in yeshiva saying a shiur than at the cizuk avent

    the yeshiva has steadfastly refused every rebbe request to say a shiur in yeshiva and i wont be mefaret

  35. Sabra, when I said that the Satmar Rebbe is the ONLY chassidish Rebbe who sits and learns in Yeshiva a whole day I confirmed it and I checked the other Chassidish Rebbe’s which u mentioned like the Belzer, Klauzenberg (both), Bobov, etc, NONE of them sit in the Yeshiva a whole day and give daily shiurim ONLY the current Satmar Rebbe has not given up on his DAILY shiurim even though he has as the leader of the fastest growing chassidus a million other things on his head, so Yes he is the perfect example for the Yeshivish oilem.

  36. Yitzy-
    Didn’t the Gerer Rebbe say a Shiur in BMG (Main BM) a few years back when The Rebbe SHLI”TA came to Lakewood with Rav Shteinman SHLI”TA?

  37. Yitzy,

    Joe Schmo is 100% correct. You can’t compare The Satmar Rav ZT”L & Rav Aharon ZT”L to what happened at an asifa l’zecher nishmas R’ Shneur ZT”L. It was an bizayon hatorah. Besides the slight to the alteh rabbonim and talmidim, everybody knows that Rabbi Aron fought his legal battles in archaos shel akum, summoned his father the aged rebbe to Supreme Court in order to prove that he his father is “over ubatel”. All well known and documented. R”L

  38. Dear SDR, It is very obvious that you have here a personnal agenda that you are trying very hard to spread here, In Lakewood nobody is interested in this Motzei Shem Raa, Loshon Hora, Sinas chinam,and Ligyonos that you are very cleverly smuggling in your comments, as evidenced by the fact that happened when the gadol that you are trying hard to besmirch received a royal welcome in Lakewood with the kavod Hatorah that is befitting for such an adom gadol Meod, I just hope that you are getting paid for the agenda that you are trying to spread but please do it somewhere else not here…..

  39. ffb,

    I am an alumnus of BMG (1991-1993) and it breaks my heart to see the Bais Medrasho shel Maran haGR”A Kotler ZT”L turned into a corporate South Flatbush. I have no agenda. That the comments in my last post were published here only lends to their veracity. By the way you can’t “smuggle” anything here, and I assume the moderator knows the ramifications of what he prints. I have no problems with R’ Aron from Satmar personally, but to have him as the featured speaker at R’ Shneur’s 25th Yahrzeit is frankly a bizayon. What’s next, will the yeshiva will have an IPO, or better yet maybe some entrepeneur will get the Starbucks franchise for the famed coffee room.

  40. sdr you clearly dont know to much about lakewood as a lakewood resident for 25 years and a talmid in yeshiva for the past 7 years i feel i can explain most of your issues it would take many hours of typing to disscuss all the diffrent points you brought up lets not turn this in to a bash lakewood fest

    getting back to the visit of the satmar rebbe
    as a in a diifrent post this was for a fundrasing avent not speach in yeshiva or a shiur

    last year the speaker was rav avrohom shorr

    this year the guest speaker was rav moshe hillel hirsh one of rav aarons greatest talmidim of all time! he was the official guest speaker not the satmor rebbe etc. got to go now

    ps the gerrer spoke about 20 seconds as part of a joint achdus visit with moran rav aaron leib shelita

  41. SDR, I am also an alumnus of BMG and a long time Lakewood resident, Your ” heartbreaking” comments makes no sense at all!!you are “Assuming” that the moderator is giving a hechsher for your comments, well BMG is definitly not “Assuming” that what they did is the right or wrong thing!! It is definitly the “Right” thing!!! If you are indeed an “Alumnus” which is what you claim you are you can ask BMG officials which is what I did and I came away very satisfied with what I heard, so “IF” you are genuine (which I don’t think you are) do the right think and not be Motze shem raa in public.


  43. It is well known that moran rav aaron and the satmar rebbe rav yoel ztl had diffrent ideas about kollel and what yugerliet should do after the chasuna

    it was a great chizuk to me as a lakewooder to hear the satmar rebbe shelita speak in such glowing terms about the previose lakewood roshei yeshiva and yebadel lechaim the roshei yeshiva shelita and there outstanding yeshiva and all it has done for klal yisroel and i qoute ” rav aaron did change he changed america ”

    it pains me to see people attack such a great torah institution without real knowlege of its history and the way it works

  44. Yitzy, those who attack BMG and the Satmar Rebbe above are all paid PR guys for a certain minority who are working very hard to besmirch the Satmar community, let’s ignore them and tell them outright “You have no room here in Lakewood for this Shmuts”

  45. ס”ה – תמצית, כ”ע מודה שהדרשה של הרבי הי’ מלא טעם ואשרנו שזכנו לכך- אשרי העם שככה לו

  46. yitzy
    דברתי עם שני חסידי סאטמאר שהי’ מכירים ר’ יואל ז”ל ואמרו לי שהרבי’ס מסאטמאר יש להם דעה אחת לגבי אבריכם בשנה ראשונה אחר החתונה לגבי ללמוד בכולל ולכן אבקש ממך לפרש דבריך

  47. I was refering to moran rav aaron kotler and the satmor rav having diffrent ideas about kollel not between the satmar rebbeim

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