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Seven People Charged With Bias Crime in Lakewood

Today’s Asbury Park Press is reporting that seven males (17/18 years-old) from Howell NJ were charged with bias intimidation and simple assault early Sunday morning. Lakewood Police had received several reports that there was a red pick-up truck in the area on Private Way and Fourth Street throwing eggs at Frum pedestrians and yelling anti-Semitic slurs. The truck was stopped shortly after on Route 9, with three males lying down in the back of the truck with open boxes of eggs. They immediately admitted to their crimes.

“These charges are very serious and are indictable,” Police Chief Rob Lawson said. “Bias crimes in Lakewood, a very diverse community, will not be tolerated for any of our residents.”

14 Responses

  1. morons. “open boxes of eggs?” you think they would (1) gotten rid of the eggs, and (2) hopped out of the truck and taken a bus home. idiots.

  2. This is unbelievably sad. At least it should be a wake up call to us that’our’ lakewood is not welcome by the non jews. I have experienced numerous openly anti semitic incidents personally. Passing cars screaming slurs etc.. and it frightens me that people think we are ‘safe’ becaus of all our political clout. Does anyone know if the person they werre pegging is ok?

  3. 7 innocent shrotzim

    they were on the way to wall-mart to buy paint to paint the eggs for next year Easter.

    and they were laying on the floor of the pickup truck ’cause they wanted to surprise their folks back home.

  4. The reason they are doing this is because they hate us. We don’t realize that we are in Golus and think we own this town. We should not have Frumer Yidden in public political positions. I spoke with Leading Daas Torah and I was told that Frumer Yidden should not hold public positions. This causes them to hate us.

  5. Sheryl said: “The proper punishment would be, to take their pick up truck away and give it to the victims”.

    I vehemently disagree: The proper punishment would be to take their truck and put it on top of the perpetrators.

  6. Sheryl said: “The proper punishment would be, to take their pick up truck away and give it to the victims”.

    I vehemently disagree: The proper punishment would be to take their truck and put it on top of the perpetrators.

    Comment by iameckstein

    tzvay groise gaonim zullen nutzen zeyer kepper oif bessere zachen.

  7. Someone commented about Lakewood, and America. The other day, and I do not recall why, I had the opportunity to read some White Supremacist materials (folks, if these guys are “supreme,” one wonders what lies beneath them). It is truly frightening – we do not know the extent of how people think, or read. And I think about it when I am on a bus or train, and wonder, “What is the fellow behind me thinking about my yalmake?”

    We are fortunate to live in a society where the civil police take our concerns seriously, and arrested the perpetrators. My father told me a shul in his town had a fire last year, and the police and fire departments from neighboring communities came to fight the blaze, and neighbors stood by, ready to help. And he told me that it brought to his mind when he witnessed Kristallnacht as a boy in Germany, and firefighters poured water on buildings next to the shul so the other buildings would not burn, and the police stood by and did nothing.

    These boys, these thugs, these punks – they will have their day in court, and we should support the police and judicial system who will render justice. We are in golus – a easier one than our parents or grandparents may have had, but golus nonetheless.

  8. Every body has it right. The goyim hate us and can’t stand us. So why would BMG want to hang a banner across Central Avenue announcing their Evening Of Chizuk and ‘raytz them un’ even more? That is something I just can not understand. My Rosh HaYeshiva, a close Talmid of Reb Aharon ZT”L has taght me that yidden must always take a low profile not an ‘in your face’ profile. (Especially since every person in Lakewood got at least 2 or 3 pieces of mail regarding this event.)

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