4:30AM – Urgent Request From Hatzolah – Do Not Drive Your Vehicle!

YWN has just been contacted by the NYC Hatzolah Emergency Command Center with an urgent request: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE!

Hatzolah tells YWN that due to the heavy amount of snow which has fallen, the streets are impossible to drive on – causing vehicles to be stuck on every street. This is turn is preventing Hatzolah from responding to life-saving emergencies!

Lives are on the line“, a  Hatzolah Coordinator told YWN.

“During the past few hours our response time to serious emergencies has been delayed dramatically due to vehicles stuck all throughout the streets. In Boro Park alone we have numerous ambulances stuck in the snow as well, and we are operating with a skeleton fleet of ambulances – this is real Pikuach Nefesh! Don’t think that your vehicle will b able to be driven – because it won’t!”

There are snow drifts as high as four feet on some streets of the city, making it impossible to drive on, and vehicles stuck on streets are also hindering the efforts of the NYC snow plows from attempting to clear the snow.

(YWN Storm Center – 2010)

5 Responses

  1. #1 in most places it is around 18″ that fell down, and my brothers wedding is today and our car is plowed in and the snow reaches up to like 4 feet. and then there is a snow drift. 1 of my brothers in Israel cant make it because of the snow.

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