Paterson Fined $62,000 For Illegally Obtaining World Series Tickets

After months of investigation, Governor David Paterson has been given a $62,000 fine for unlawfully obtaining Yankees tickets.

The State Commission on Public Integrity announced the fine today, after concluding the governor violated the Public Officer’s Law by accepting free tickets for himself, two aides, his son and his son’s friend to a 2009 World Series game.

In testimony earlier this year, the governor said he always intended on paying for the tickets – but the commission said a review of emails and other evidence proves the governor was not being truthful.

The commission’s report found Paterson performed no ceremonial function at the game, and even if he had, he would not have been entitled to free tickets for his son and his son’s friend.

The report also noted the Yankees have business interests that directly relate to the governor’s influential position.

A criminal case has been referred to the Albany District Attorney’s office; no action has been taken.

(Source: NY1)

4 Responses

  1. If you or I did that, it would be called what it is: theft. But because he’s Governor, he gets away with a fine (& he can well afford it.)

  2. Sorry folks but (although I’m a Phillies fan) I don’t see anything wrong with the Governor of a state getting free World Series tickets when a team from his state is in it.

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