Greenfield Offers $1,000 For Information On Vandalism Of Brooklyn’s Largest Jewish Cemetery

Brooklyn – This morning Councilman David G. Greenfield condemned the desecration of Brooklyn’s largest Jewish cemetery and offered a one thousand dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.

Sometime between the evening of Friday, December 17th and the morning of Sunday, December 19th vandals entered Washington Cemetery, on Bay Parkway near McDonald Avenue, and toppled over 50 head stones, spraying graffiti on many of them. Greenfield learned today that this was the second time in as many weeks that vandals had hit the cemetery. This current vandalism was reported to the police on Sunday morning and the NYPD was immediately brought in to investigate.  The incident is being investigated as a possible hate crime by the NYPD.

Greenfield denounced the vandals saying, “We will not accept this kind of crime in our community.  These vandals have violated the sanctity of the final resting place of over 150,000 Jewish New Yorkers,” Greenfield explained.  “We will work with the NYPD and community groups to do everything in our power to ensure that these sick perpetrators are brought to justice.”

Greenfield is encouraging anyone who may have seen something to call the 66th Precinct of the NYPD at (718) 851 5611. “I am offering a one thousand dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those who were responsible for this vandalism.  But, please, don’t just report this for the money, report this because it is the right thing to do,” Greenfield concluded.

Click HERE for video, and click HERE for photos taken by Shimon Gifter for YWN.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. who does Councilman David G. Greenfield think he is fooling. this goes on all the time and have been complaining for years about this problem to community board 12 and they just sit back and laugh.

  2. Ok “this goes on all the time” yosse, put up or shut up. When was the previous time that Washington Cemetery was vandalized?

  3. This goes on all the time, police do not write it up when you call it in. True not on such large scale but every night something is going on there. They hang out there and do other things there as well.Like all things no one does anything until something major happens and then they all jump on the wagon.

  4. cherrybim says:
    December 20, 2010 at 2:36 pm
    Ok “this goes on all the time” yosse, put up or shut up

    why don’t you call community board 12 and check there archives over the years how many time this has been brought up at community board 12 meetings over the years .

    so now before you say put up or shut up why don’t you cherrybim wake up and smell the coffee.

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