Kosher Subway Restaurants Opening in Kansas and LA

subway kosher.jpgAccording to the Northeast Johnson County Sun, the third Kosher Subway Restaurant in the USA is opening in Overland Park. The opening date is scheduled for early August. YeshivaWorld has also learned, that a Subway Kosher Restaurant will be also opened in Los Angeles, CA – in the heart of the Pico Kosher District near Pico & Robertson. Currently, there are only two other Kosher Subway Restaurants in the United States. One in Cleveland and one in New York – both were reported on YeshivaWorld when opened.

28 Responses

  1. There is also one opening in Ceaderhurst, Ny sometime in the near future. I also heard, the possibility of them opening kosher stands in the new Yankee and Met stadiums.

  2. Why, why, why? When will we have “kosher” Mc Donalds and when will we have “kosher”Burger King?
    I am sure that they will include soy cheese on the menu so that one should have a taste as to how
    treif really tastes. To all you guys who envy cheeseburgers and the likes, I gurantee you that you will not feel any more satisfied after a fake cheesebuger or a subway sandwich with fake cheddar cheese.Can’t we just live our lives without giving in to all desires in this world?
    Bring on all the counter comments from all the Teivas olam hazeh nicks.

  3. It worries me greatly when we must have everything they have. Do we feel so unfulfilled, so unimportant, so inferior? If the world was created for us, why do we feel so “out of the loop” unless we enter their circle?

    Will anyone ask if there will be hashgachah temidis? Does anyone know how bishul akum concerns will be addressed? Who will have the keys to the kitchen? Are the owners shomrei Torah? One last question . . . are we all blind?

  4. Shauli,

    While you bring up some valid points, why don’t you ask those questions about any restaurant which opens or that is open already? why do you think that subway will be run any differently than any other kosher food establishment out there?

  5. Well said Shuali. There will always be those individuals who crave for the goyshe lifestyle and will find any loophole to eat what they eat, or close to it, as long as its not against halacha.
    All kosher restaurants should start featuring fake cheeseburgers, fake shrimp, fake pork and fake ham.
    Its sad that we have stooped so low.We are so spoiled rotton that most people refuse to admit it.I am sure that in most peoples eyes I am the crazy one and they see nothing wrong with the picture.G-d help us all.

  6. I have some friends that were eating in a local Kosher burger place many years ago. They were shocked to see one of their (goyishe) English teachers walk in. They asked him, why would you come here and not go to McDonalds, Burger King, etc. He laughed at them and said: “You think the food in those places is any good? They’re garbage. Here they have good fresh food!”

    Just something to think about while we imagine that the grass is greener on the other side.

  7. This is terrible. Cleveland set a bad precedent and all others are following suit!! We can have restaurants. But why do we have to try do be mamash like the goyim?

    Everybody who ate by these Subways knows that the sandwich is much skimpier on the meat than they are by a normal restaurant. They have regulations to follow.

    Their mashgiach was asked why it is not maris ayin to have a pareve cheese burger. He replied that there is so little meat and cheese that you can’t even see it when looking at the sandwich!! People are eating there just to eat by “SUBWAY!”

    Do we really need this? At a time when we are becoming more and more like the Goyim, we need to protect ourselves and set up more and more boundries. This is not going to help us at all.

    Cleveland should be ashamed at their selves for setting this precedent. They carry a large load on their shoulders!!

  8. Why is no one questioning all the kosher sushi restaraunts that charge 10 dollars for a roll of raw fish? Do we need to feel Japanese to be satisfied of our hunger?

  9. Perhap the point is not to have kosher cheeseburgers, but rather open a place that even a smaller community can support. Although large frum communities can support a kosher eatery relying exclusively on kosher consumers, some smaller communities do not have enough consumers to support a(nother) food establishment. By opening a franchise food outlet, non-kosher consumers (hopefully) will also support the place, and then the restaurant will not go out of business. Of course the hashgocha has to make safeguards and have hashgocha temidis as in all meat restaurants.

  10. First of all, the Cleveland bashing is so very unnecessary. Why is it necessary to make your point and speak negatively about an entire city? We all need to be so much more careful when it comes to this kind of negativism and Loshen Hora. Secondly, the Subway in Cleveland is located in an area that encourages kosher options for many people who do not eat Kosher exclusively. By offering a delicious Kosher option for young families who might be in the habit of eating at a treif Subway, new habits and growth takes place. We never question Chinese restaurants that imitate pork and shell fish recipes with kosher ingredients. We all purchase parve ice cream products and parve cream and sour creams in order to create deserts we can eat with meat meals. How we eat and what we eat has been formed by the host society we life in. Building the walls around ourselves to maintain our faith and identity comes from within–with davening, learning and from the wonderful communities we live in. Cleveland, by the way, is one of those wonderful communities. Enough said! When I read some of these comments I wonder why people have so little to say, that they have to comment in such a hurtful and narrow manner.

  11. a person will never be happy with whatever he has we are always looking for somthing new… now it’s subway next year it will be somthing else
    (do you remember nathan’s in kings hwy)

  12. Maris ayin is a halacha in Shulchan Aruch. ANY imitation requires a reason why it should not be included in this. There are various reasons why the cases that you mentioned are not included. I do not know of any reason that would apply to a cheeseburger.

  13. Midwest, why can’t a wonderful community like Cleveland accept a bit of constructive criticism?
    Noone is denying the fact that Cleveland is a wonderful town.Noone is perfect.People and the general public of a town can be wrong on an issue and it does not discredit the town itself.
    I have yet to find a kosher chinese restaurant that serves fake pork.If they do then it is shameful. We purchase parve ice cream products to go with deserts because there is nothing wrong with parve products eaten with meat together.
    But to try and imitate the goyim and their products is wrong. Just answer me this question.If Rav Stein shlita ( from Telz ) were a guest in your house, would you serve him a fake cheeseburger and fake shrimp?

  14. so much anger.
    BTW Isn’t it a fact we must say “i want to eat that non-kosher product but H said no?”
    Therefor eating there shows this is true.
    PS I was in Israel and went to these chains, and the food was awful.

  15. You are right, constructive criticism is helpful and a community should listen, change and grow. I do not think the comment was constructive or necessary.
    I’m not referring to “fake” shrimp or cheeseburgers. My reference to Chinese food referred to imitating treif recipes with kosher ingredients, not fake pork. This Subway discussion seems to miss the point. In actuality a very small percentage of the Subway menu combines parve or soy cheese with meat products. The vast majority of their fresh, excellent sandwiches are interesting combinations of cold cuts and a large variety of salad toppings and dressings. The Kosher Subways offers fresh family dining and takeout at a competitive price. I am not endorsing imitative foods and food chains.

  16. midwestmusings; Watch out AISH!!! You got heavy competition!! SUBWAY KIRUV.ORG!!!

    Who are you kidding? Subway for the sake of KIRUV? This is totaly absured.

    And the point is not only the cheeseburgers. The point is having a “kosher” establishment imitating the goyishe culture, It is the whole concept which is wrong! Most people would never step foot into the “Subway” if it would be called “Yoels-way.” The fact that people go there just because it is a “real” Subway is a real problem. It is call Chukas Hagoyim.

    And MSPEAK; why should a small community need five or more restaraunts to support? If there are already enough eateries in town, why open an another. And then be forced to call it SUBWAY in order to stay open! And besides, we have no Mitzvah to support the Lebanese Christian man who owns the Cleveland Subway!!

  17. You’re all just jealous. You WISH you could eat at Subway. But I guess this is another “chumra” you are taking upon yourself. Don’t worry, you are a better person because of it.

  18. The biggest problem is that there are jews that see these stores and think ALL subways are now kosher. frum and non-frum. Do you want that on your cheshbon hanefesh? That you opened a store that prompted other jews to eat treif? I didn’t. I was asked to help open one of the subway stores and turned it down. There are MANY MANY more problems with this kosher subway franchise idea than good ones. While it might be kosher to black and white kashrus, in my mind and others as well it is a treif concept.

  19. anon(21): I wasnt refering to cleveland. I am referring to the article which is about Kansas. Although I have never been to Kansas, My impression is that there isn’t an abundance of kosher restaurants there. My comments were based on my uneducated assumption that there were not many kosher places to eat out in.

  20. What Next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. all of you people need to have your heads checked first of all going on the internet is a lot worse than eating at a kosher subway. the person who opened the first kosher subway was a visonary and made tons of money from it. maybe you guys are jelous of the money you didnt make. why dont you make a stink about all the kosher dunkin dounuts. its you people who give frum jews a bad name you people are selectivley jewish probably arent the most erlich of jews. its time to take a reality chck and turn your attention to things that really matter

  22. Sandwiches are not part of a “goyish culture” as far as I know. The fake cheese with meat may be a problem, but the concept of a kosher subway is fine.

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