Rabbonim Urge Public to Block ‘Chareidi News Lines’

Gedolei Yisroel, including Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv shlita, are promoting a “tikkun godol” in response to one of the stumbling blocks of our day and age: home phone lines with access to numbers that have a corrupting impact and have claimed many victims.

In their public notice, maranan verabbonon warn against one of the great spiritual threats of today: “chareidi news lines,” which fill their listeners with vapid messages and negative contents rife with loshon hora. These phone lines also present perverse worldviews and blatant disrespect for rabbonim, talmidei chachomim and gedolei Torah.

Roshei yeshivas, roshei kollelim, rabbonim and public figures have long warned against these phone lines, calling them a blight that destroys the Jewish soul by propagating loshon hora and blurring the boundaries between sacred and profane, between pure and tainted and through an atmosphere of levity that undermines aspirations to grow in Torah and yiras Shomayim.

Both the operators of these phone lines and those who collaborate with them make it their point to engage listeners in empty prattle, while generating dubious reports that are a world away from the hallowed halls of the beis medrash.

Rabbonim are even warning against chronic addiction to these phone lines, which pose a threat to any home founded on Torah and yir’oh, not to mention the high cost of listening to them.

(Source: Dei’ah veDibur)

12 Responses

  1. quite strange that one of the main reasons the rabonim state you can’t listen to these sites is that they cause “blatant disrespect for rabbonim, talmidei chachomim and gedolei Torah”. Sounds a little self-serving. Follow what I say, and not some news source, because otherwise you wont follow what I say…?
    Um, if people don’t respect the chachomim, there might be a reason why. Maybe because too many have been arrested (and convicted) for crimes? Have stuck their foot in their mouth promoting things like politics, or things that have later been found to be corrupt or wrong? Like promoting political candidates only because their organization or group stands to benefit, regardless of the overall benefit for Yidden.

  2. The same gedolim are also against the use of internet, that includes sites like this. Perhaps the readers of this site should be warned?????

  3. What are telephone news lines? is there anything comparable here in USA?

    If you don’t own a radio isnt this the best way to listen to news. Explain please.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how people feel free to put down the Gedolei HaDor publicly.

    The whole Torah is based on Mesorah and klal Yisroel knows very well who the Gedolim are. Reb Elyashiv shlit”s is most certainly there.

    In the same vein,people who are in chutz la’aretz should realize that the Rabbonim here know much better than you what is needed in Eretz Yisroel. They know SO much better than you and have SO much more perspective than you.
    It is so naive,simple and foolish for people who are out of the picture to offer their comments.(This includes people in EY who don’t know exactly what goes on)

    MeVazeh Talmid Chochom carries with it a high price tag.

  5. #3 it is quite obvious that you either have had very little contact with or have never met a Gadol B’Torah. Otherwise, you’d write with more respect. My recommendation for you is to fly to Israel and try meeting with some of the Gedolim. I think that your attitude would change.

  6. To #3, maybe you should practice your nickname and find some seichel for yourself!

    Everyone knows that one of the fundamentals of yiddishkeit is respect for talmidei chachamim and the gedolei hador! This isn’t called self serving in the least, this is called trying to perserve klal yisroel so they won’t completely unravel at the core!

    Allow me to give you an analogy, in case you still don’t get it: A doctor is about to perform surgery, and before he starts, he tells his staff of nurses/pa’s that under no uncertain terms, they must turn off all cellphones, iphones, ipads, itouch etc. not vibrate, not silent, but turned off COMPLETELY, regardless of any family emergencies etc. because he needs their focus to be on HIM, and listen to HIM when HE talks/tells them what to do, aside from the fact that the cell phones interfere w/ the equipment.

    Oh, sure, it sounds sort of self serving, because after all, he’s telling them to turn off all their electronic devices in order to keep their focus on HIM. But only a fool would come and say such a thing, because OBVIOUSLY the focus has to be on him, because he’s the one who’s going to be performing the operation/giving out directions, and he needs them to listen to what he says in order for the surgery to be a success!

    In that same vein, our gedolei hador are the ones who are leading this generation, and who are navigating klal yisroel through these dangerous waters. Of course they’re going to tell us not to listen to these things, because the end result will be, not only people who don’t respect their rabbonim, but people/kids who will be going off the derech!

    Are you trying to imply that our gedolim have a shemetz of pride? Gaavah? That they’re saying this simply for their own sake and kavod?! Then wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late! You, who think you’re so “enlightened” and “educated” and know everything that’s going on is sliding down a slippery slope, and I strongly advise that you open a copy of the mesilas yesharim (if you even own one) and look at the chapter dealing with gaavah. I think perhaps you are the one who’s being self-serving here. Excuse the gedolei hador if they don’t consult with you on every issue!

  7. I suggest we elect the Gedolei Yisroel.
    There are some very dignified leaders with much Torah knowledge, however there are also men who present themselves as “Gedolim” who create Chilul HaShem.
    This situation is both evident in Eretz Yisroel and in America.
    There is far to much self serving rhetoric.

  8. If you read my comment carefully, I was not going against all rabonim. I did not use any names at all. I was saying that rabonim should not have to tell us to listen to them- to be rabonim they should earn the kavod. There should be a reason they are THE Rabonim and we should listen- but they should not be makers of chillul hashem. Don’t get convicted on crimes. Dont get involved with scandals. Dont start recommending things that self-serve (like politics).

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