Anti-Israel rally in Washington DC

USC DEm1.jpgOn Sunday, June 10, the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation and United for Peace and Justice, led an Anti-Israel rally in the lawn of the Washington Capitol. There were a number of Jewish speakers who were invited to speak including Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom of Clergy for Peace, as well as representatives from the Neturei Karta, both calling for the destruction of the State of Israel.

Following the rally the Anti-Israel crowd marched down towards the Washington Monument chanting various Anti-Israel and Pro-Arab slogans. The Neturei Karta were spotted marching with them holding a sign that read “Judaism Condemns Zionist Occupation,” as well as PLO flags. The number of people in attendance was estimated to be around 400.

Across the street, Stand With Us, a pro-Israel organization held a counter rally in support of Israel. During the rally they called on the Arab governments and schools to stop teaching hate to their children, and to dissolve the terrorist organizations.

During the Anti-Israel march, the Pro-Israel crowd lined the streets, held at bay by riot police and chanted slogans of peace while the Anti-Israel demonstrators retaliated with hateful comments and insults.

9 Responses

  1. May “Rabbi” Jeremy, a little man, with little knowledge of anything but himself, as well as his Neturai karta counterparts, find themselves in a place known for its eternal heat…

  2. …so now we finally know the answer as to who the nkusa follows as their spiritual leader (grand rebbe): the intellicual midget jeremy milgrom! – catch jeremy now as he hits the lecture circuit with his gaza cleric buddy. they speak in any and every church that will have them.

    the only shocking thing about Sunday was that nkusa did not bedeck jeremy with a streimal and start giving him kvittels

  3. B”H there was a Pro-Israel rally as a counter action. We speak words of “peace” as our enemies triumph words of “hatred”.

  4. who is this jeremy milgrom fellow? has YW reported him before…I dont recall hearing about him …is he in the same league as the NK

  5. Did you know that if you’re pro-Israel you’re apparently pro-racist and if you’re pro-Arab you’re anti-racist? The lies people will make up to prove their point is sometimes rather disturbing. Take a look at the above picture and you see, very clearly, who is anti whom.

  6. I googled “Clergy For Peace,” but came up with nothing.

    I googled “Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom,” and came up with some interetsing tidbits, including his statement that “if we all put our weapons down the violence would end.” How naive. I wish it could be that simple. Actually, I can make it simpler: If the Arabs would put their weapons down the violence would end.

    Milgrom is, according to what I’ve been reading online, apparently one of those anti-violence fanatics, blindly following teachings by people like Ghandi.

    Now Ghandi was, as far as I know, a good person who wanted good things, but he was simply wrong. He advocated no violence at all, and it could have worked — it SHOULD have worked — but for one thing: he was killed. Shame how that was so one-sided that it just simply couldn’t work.

    It is not what the Torah teaches. The Torah says that when your enemies come for you, be prepared to kill them first, if necessary. There is no logic to claiming that sitting on your hands will save everyone’s life. If might take two to tango, but it takes only one person to hurt another.

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