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Thief Apprehended By Yeshiva Bochur in BMG Dormitory

handcuffed.jpgA man wanted for numerous crimes in Ocean and Monmouth Counties was arrested by Lakewood police after being caught stealing – “red handed” – by a Lakewood Yeshiva Bochur in a Beth Medrash Govoha (BMG) dormitory. YeshivaWorld has confirmed with a spokesman for BMG that the man is being prosecuted. The man is being held as a possible suspect in a string of recent burglaries at the dormitory.

15 Responses

  1. No security and the doors locks are broken so anyone could just walk in and do what they want it is a big problem there are kids allways wondering in the dorms I myself have caught frum kids inside rooms

  2. i think they should have like the mir in Israel also have it that you scan in a card to go in the building. The problem come on shobbos and Yom tov that when you should change to the combination locks.

  3. bugnot, i don’t know what your talking about. The mir in Israel does NOT have such a system! They have security guards that average an age of 70 and probably wouldn’t realize if someone walked in with an M16 they are usually preoccupied (truth is, it depends which one of the six buildings your referring to)

  4. The Department of Homeland Security makes available tens of millions of dollars for Shuls and Yeshivos at risk from terrorism (and I am certain BMG qualifies). The hanhallah should look into applying.

  5. Is this bochur looking for a shiduch? His chavrusa actually asked him,,,”do you “chop”?” so he went out and chop’d- now that’s l’maiseh!

  6. i dont know what the surprise is!

    yeshivas, shuls, jewish institutions all over the copuntry (us, canada) have almost NO security (keep this quiet)

    unlike europe, where some shuls are so locked up, etc, you almost dont know its a shul (personal experience in zurich) or you go through a metal detector, etc (rome; manned by a former chayal now med student in rome).

    unless they had a specific attack on that partucular site (istanbul, mexico city, djerba, for instance) in which case the security may or may not be so good.

  7. i see in boro park ALMOST all the yeshivas & schools have cameras inside & outside so after somthing happens
    thay see who did it (like the square yeshiva on 43st you can see the theiff that broke in last week)

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