Yerushalayim: 50 Pair Of Stolen Tefillin Found

tefillin.jpgMore than 50 pairs of Tefillin were stolen last week from the Dushinsky Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. Police conducted an intense investigation – but nothing turned up. It seemed that many people would be spending large amounts of money (which they don’t have) to purchase new sets of Tefillin – until this morning. Word suddenly spread of a person who walked onto the roof ledge of a nearby building and stumbled upon the stolen sets of Tefillin. The Bochrim immediately ran over and confirmed the story. Every missing set of Tefillin was found in perfect condition.

3 Responses

  1. I read in the hebrew mishpacha that they were 20 pairs, and that on the day they were stolen, the bags were found in gniza in zichron moshe. A ganav with yiras shomayim!!!!

  2. I was there the day it happened. It was close to 30 pairs. B”H they were found. Its silly to leave them unwatched in an open room over night. Perhaps now they will be more cautious with where they put it.

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