Daily Dose of Double Standard

lebanon red cross.jpgCan you imagine the outcry if this had happened in Israel? (From Ynet🙂 Lebanese hospital officials say two local Red Cross workers were shot dead at the entrance of a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon. But it happened in Lebanon so you never even hear about it…….

7 Responses

  1. I think YW is referring to the lack of public outcry. If this had happened in Israel, the UN would have already condemned Israel in a special emergency session of the Security Council.

  2. Notice how no one wishes to reach the conclusion that many Arabs in the region are simply focused on violence, and actually attaining land for an autonomous, sovereign state is completely irrelevant to their cause. It’s quite simple: pereh odom yihiyeh, yado bakol v’yad kol odom bo. They simply hate EVERYONE, including themselves.

    Mind you, we Jews also have our achdus troubles within our own nation, but our using warfare or murder to express our tensions is the exception, not the rule.

  3. The AP headline says ” 2 Red Cross workers killed in Lebanon ”

    How, and by whom? You need to dig into the article to find out. The equivalent headline for the mirror image would have been, ” Israeli artillery kills 2 Red Cross workers, as civilian deaths in Gaza mount”
    Then would follow an entire article about world “outrage” and “unanimous condemnation of Israel”, and some wimpy quote from the Israeli military spokeswoman, saying “we are investigating the matter”.

    You see this all the time.

    BTW flatbusher, I can’t find it at the NYTimes at all. It can’t be that prominent a story to them.

  4. Don’t think it will make the Red Cross into Jew lovers. I just got turned down for a job with the American Red Cross because I refused to work on Shabbos. They claimed I was not a strong enough candidate.

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