LIVE WEBCAST: Annual Chabad Shluchim Convention

(Webcast in extended article) This year, for seventh year, tens of thousands of viewers from around the world will be able to view the International Kinus HaShluchim banquet live on a broadcast made possible by the organizers of the Kinus. The live streaming webcast begins at 5:30pm on Sunday, Nov. 7 with opening remarks from the director of the International Kinus Hashluchim, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky. The theme of this year’s Kinus is “Ish u’Baiso” and will focus on the family unit on shlichus. The yearly JEM kinus video, in keeping with the theme, is entitled “Shlichus, A Family Affair.” The d’var Torah will be delivered by Rabbi Menachem Cohen of Manhester, UK, husband of Esty Rubin Cohen, the young shlucha who passed away earlier this month. The honor of giving the lay leader address has been bestowed upon Gennady Boglubov of Dnepropetrovsk whose incredible generosity to shluchim worldwide is well-known. The keynote speaker this year is Rabbi Moshe New of Hampstead, Quebec. The highlight is always the traditional roll call of countries and regions which is followed by spirited dancing. Click HERE for full article on tonight’s dinner.

2 Responses

  1. YW, a million Thank Yous for offering the live celebration. I am not Lubavitch but felt so uplifted.

    No words to express…..

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