Report: Federal Caps Not Alleviating NYC Airport Delays

Federal caps on the number of flights at the city’s airports are not reducing delays, a new report from the United States Department of Transportation’s Office of the Inspector General finds.

It says limits on flights at John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark airports are too generous, and since they’re based on good weather conditions, congestion gets unbearable when the weather turns ugly.

Air traffic controllers have to hold flights or add time between planes when weather gets bad. That cuts between 10 and 20 flights an hour, with the trickle-down effect slowing air travel across the country.

The report recommends more flexible schedule limits, and for the Federal Aviation Administration to reexamine rules on scheduling.

An agency spokeswoman says the FAA is working on redesigning New York’s airspace, and says a new air traffic control system should also ease delays.

(Source: NY1)

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