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Geneva Police have suspect in Shul fire

geneva shul fire1.jpgA Swiss television station reported last night that Geneva police now suspect a woman in the Shavuos fire that burned a Shul. According to the report, the woman is said to be unstable and to have already set fires at other places of worship. Witnesses have placed the woman near the Shul at the time of the fire. In addition, the police have found a cigarette butt at the scene with traces of DNA that may help the case. For now, it is being assumed that the fire was not due to anti-semitism. Police noted that the Shul had received no threats and that no anti-Semitic message had been left at the site. (Source: Tribune de Genève)

One Response

  1. Man, Woman or child, all the same when it comes to acts of violence especially against Jews. (there are hundreds of female suicide bombers waiting with makeup to photograph their after-life videos).

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