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ADL runs ads slamming academic boycott of Israel

adl new logo.jpgIn the aftermath of actions by two trade unions in the United Kingdom urging their members to consider actions boycotting the State of Israel, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is running advertisements in leading national and international newspapers and news Web sites calling the resolutions “biased, unfair and destructive attacks on Israel.”

ADL ads appearing June 4 in The New York Times and June 6 in the International Herald Tribune and Financial Times criticize recent votes by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the University and College Union (UCU) for singling out Israel while ignoring nations with deplorable human rights records, including Iran, Sudan, Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

“When British Unions single out Israel for boycott … That’s not activism.  That’s Anti-Semitism,” reads one of a series of ADL ads in today’s New York Times.  The ads refer readers to the League’s Web site, where they may find additional resources and information on anti-Israel divestment campaigns and can sign an open letter to the NUJ and UCU calling on the unions to reverse course.

“British organizations like the National Union of Journalists should be embarrassed,” reads the ADL ad.  “They’ve singled out Israel for boycott while ignoring the human rights abuses occurring every day in countries like Sudan, Zimbabwe, Iran and Venezuela.”
ADL’s ads offer facts about other human rights violations around the world, about which the British academics’ and journalists’ unions have remained silent, while reminding readers of the anti-Israel boycott votes in the U.K.:

• 38 reporters arrested last year in Iran. And British journalists are boycotting Israel?

• 700 human rights activists detained and tortured last year in Zimbabwe.  And British Academics are boycotting Israel?

• 400,000 murdered in Darfur.  And British academics are boycotting Israel?

• Most watched independent TV station shut down in Venezuela.  And British journalists are boycotting Israel?

ADL has condemned the May 30 passage by the UCU of two resolutions targeting Israeli academics and urged the union’s leaders to reject implementation of the proposed measures.  The resolutions sharply criticized Israel and condemned what they called “the complicity of Israeli academia in the occupation.”

On April 13, the NUJ approved a resolution condemning the state of Israel for “the savage pre-planned attack on Lebanon” and “the slaughter of civilians in Gaza” and called for sanctions, including a proposed boycott of Israeli goods.

12 Responses

  1. Doesn’t the ADL, Abe Foxman and the rest of the industry and their attack dogs ever get tired of crying wolf every time the State of Israel is criticized?? Don’t they ever get the feeling that people are sick and tired of hearing how criticism of Zionists is the same as criticism of Jews? Did criticism of apartheid amount to anti-White racism? Did anti-Communism mean anti-Russian racism? Give me a break……..

  2. I can’t think of one instance where gentiles who hate Israel LOVE the Jews who do not live there.

    My experience has taught me that being anti-Israel has become a rationalization and an excuse in a politically correct world for actually hating Jews. It is not cool to be an anti-Semite, so let’s just be anti-Israel.

    I have news for you, they hated us for thousands of years before Israel’s independence and they’ll hate us when and if Israel as we know it should cease to exist – and I hope we never allow that time to happen.

  3. Why are we still trying to convince our own people what the world thinks? Just read the media, listen to the radio, and eavesdrop those around you, Judaism and Israel (Zionism) is one and the same.
    If you don’t care for the ADL, you have that prerogative, if the Agudah was publishing these full-page ads would it meet your fancy? This is an unjust action that they are protesting – the question is, Should we or Must we respond to every injustice that occurs?

  4. This news is disheartening. However we know that eisav soneh l’yaakov. We know that’s the way things will be but, it hurts. There is no other way to justify this illogical behavior of the british.

  5. Everybody
    I know where Dov Dov is coming from. While the ADL does some good work, more often than not they cry wolf and create controversy out of nothing. The chutzpa and boldness that they have creates anti-semitism. For example trying to tell Pope Bennedict what to do etc.
    They also get involved in things that is not their buisness such as political issues like immigration where they say we must do everything to help our Latino brothers ( YUK) not to be deported.
    More often than not they overstep their boundries.

  6. Dovdov, you need some serious psychological help. I support the ADL on this. In matter of fact, the ADL has been documenting Anti-Semitic attacks against Yidden for many, many years. They don’t care what your affiliation is. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

  7. The Satmera Rebbe Reb YIOEL zts”l said,
    if a frummer yid is anti-israel iz er a erliche mentsch,
    but a froyer (or a goy)iz a sonay yisroel!!!

  8. Moshe,

    I fully agree with you! Lets leave the ‘deep thinking’ for the Gedolim, and let us do whats expected of us!

  9. Klurre Kop says;
    The Satmera Rebbe Reb YIOEL zts”l said,
    if a frummer yid is anti-israel iz er a erliche mentsch,
    but a froyer (or a goy)iz a sonay yisroel!!!’

    The Rebbe ZYA was a VERY clever man. This is an example like the theory of relativity(a hair on ones head is too little while a
    hair in the soup is a lot)

    A frum person against Israel understands the faults and threats that Zionism pose to our religion. However, a non frum Jew is not opposed to Israel for the same reasons , therefore its just out of hate!

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