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Rav Shteinman visits Kiryat Sefer

rals cover.jpgHagoen Rav Aron Leib Shteinman Shlita visited Kiryat Sefer where he delivered Divrei Hisorerus in Yeshiva Bais Abba. Click HERE to view additional photos taken by Yehuda Boltshauser.

4 Responses

  1. I can’t leak to much 😉 but I think that we can one up that: what about being able to listen to an mp3 recording of what he said?

  2. Here is another example of a walking kiddush hashem. This man is old and tired. He is doing all this for us , not for himself. The oilem should really appreciate this gadol.

  3. Zeeskiet,
    He is not TIRED!! Tired is what we are one step before we give up our Yiras Shomayim and is what the yidden were before they sucummbed to Amalek.
    Maran Hagaon Reb Shtainman, Amu”sh may be aged, but he is as vibrant as ever!!!
    Od Yenuvun B’saiva D’shaininm V’raananim Yihyu!!!

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