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New Mikva in Uzhgorod, Ukraine

mik.jpgThe town of Uzhgorod (formerly Ungvar), Ukraine nestled in the hills of the Carpathian Mountains celebrated the opening of a new mikva, Mei Menachem this week. The Mikva is located in the Jewish Community Center which boasts a three times daily Minyan, Kosher food kitchen, day school for children, as well as a weekly publication “Gut Shabbos”. 

The new Mikva, the second in the entire region, the first being the Mikva in Mukachevo (formerly Munkatch), Ukraine is the fruits of labor of the Rabbi Menachem Mendel Teichman, Rav of Uzghorod and the Carpathian Region, who toiled and spared no effort to make this dream a reality.

Although the construction of the Mikva is complete and its doors are Baruch HaShem open, the enormous expenses and bills remain. Any interested party who would like to have a part in this tremendous mitzvah can notify Rabbi Teichman at 011-380-3126-15287.

47 Responses

  1. O a recent trip to Munkatch, I visited the beautiful Mikva run by the Munkatcher Chasidim located in the Star Hotel. Baruch HaShem that new Mikvas and Mosdos are sprouting up in the former CIS.

  2. Was the fact that Rav Teichman is a Shliach of Lubavitch deliberately not mentioned in the article, or was it an oversight?

    Editors Note: We were unaware of that piece of information.

  3. you can always see how chabad takes care of all types of jews even the people who need mikvos

    other’s should take the example and do and not talk so much

  4. 🙂 I have lived in the FSU for 13 years and am returning permanently within the next 6 months, and until I read this, I did not know that Uzhgorod was Ungvar (I do know about “Karpatien” but I could never place it on today’s map). I will have to make it a point to visit that part of Ukraine as I am sure that there are many kivrei tzaddikim there.

  5. The difference in affiliation as far as mikvaos is concerned is crucial. Chabad mikvaos are not acceptable to the rest of klal yisroel. Acoording to a majority of poskim one can not use a Chabad mikva for tevillas noshim. Chabad could use the mikvaos that the rest of klal yisroel use, but they insist on building mikvaos according to their shita relying on a bidievedeger mehalech because one of their Rebbes did (obviously because he could not build it in the le’chatchila fashion). If anyone is faced with the need to rely on a Chabad mikva for tevilas noshim they should consult their Rov before using it. So affiliation is crucial here and it is shame that Chabad was left out of the original posting.

  6. Even if the nonsense that you just wrote would actually be true – which I highly doubt – it would be 100% muttar to rely on such a Mikva Bishas Hadchak where there is not a Mikva in hundeds and hundreds of miles.

  7. Dear Editor, the “NONSENSE” should be checked out before its called thus. Bor al gabei bor used by Chabad is indeed problematic, since it’s against the opinion of almost all the Rishonim, (look in the RO”SH, who we pasken like). NOw, as far as using it beshaas hadchak, are YOU as sure of that as much as Stamyid was sure of calling it possul? I am definitely NOT sure that too many rabbonim would allow someone who travels to these places from Israel or the USA to use it indiscriminately. Of course, for the locals such a mikva is better than none, and yet, prewar Poskim of those locales especially absolutely held these to be non-kosher. If one tries to do a mitzva, let him do it right. While Chabad is commendable for building mikvaos, perhaps they should be built to serve the needs of the general Klal, and not only of their own adherents.

    Editors Response: Problematic to you. Not to them. Guess it’s a Machlokes Haposkim. Whats wrong with that? Why should they use non-chabad poskim? Are YOU using the Mikva, or is it for their Shluchim who live there all year – and hold like that – to use?

  8. Y.W. EDITOR:
    I would strongly advise you to stick to what you do best. REPORTING NEWS!!

    Leave HALACHA for the poskim!!

    Especially when you don’t know what you are talking about!! (i.e. Boros in the wrong place. Tevilas Nashim is a shaila of KARES!!)

    Editors Response: Kindly enlighten all of us, and please write all the Maar Mekomos on what you are basing this – and then write all the Maar Mekomos that Chabad uses to base their P’sokim.

  9. And with that said, let us return to the original and not terribly bright question (which garnered an even dumber answer), “What difference is it what the affiliation of the Yidden involved are?” The answer, obviously, is that it’s worth pointing out the good that Lubavitch does so that maybe the kind of idiocy that leapt into stamyid’s mind the moment he heard the word “Lubavitch” will leap into the minds of a few less people out there. Yes, it’s a wild scene at 770, but that has nothing to do with the down-in-the-trenches work that only Lubavitch, among all Yidden on the entire planet, gets down and does.

  10. Yasher Koach Editor.

    Of course, those who consider a Chabad bor al gabei bor mikveh to be possul have another choice when that is the only mikveh available. They can just jump in the lake!!

  11. Our good friends Yingy and Gitty Bistritzky sponsored the name “Mei Menachem” As they have done for many shluchim in need of mikvas across the world.

  12. This news article is also a great kiddush hashem. Look where Yidden put their money. Into mitzvos, and chesed. This should give us great chizuk, when we read about so much hatred from Iran & europe.

  13. Lubuvitch opened a mikvah, they made it according to lubavitch standards. It’s not good enough for you? Why don’t you go and build another one. I’m sure the locals will be thrilled to have a choice of where to toivel…

  14. Wow, this is great!!
    As someone who does business around the world (52 countries to be exact) I am “forced” to spend Shabbos with Chabad MANY times.
    Friends, many charedisher women from all wlaks are using their mikvah, for you to passel all of them, or for that matter all Lubavitcher women is absurd.
    As a self proclaimed misnaged, I can tell you that for me the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch is enough for us all to be soimach on.

  15. Another Point: All you bloggers who are carrying on about this article, Have any of you got smicha on Hilchos Mikvaos? If you have than you should know better and SHOULD NOT BE WASTING YOUR TIME ON THE INTERNET. And if you haven’t you have no authority to give your psak on the matter!!!!!!!!!

  16. YW Editor I just pointed peolple in the direction of asking a shaila while you paskened outright that the Mikva is usable. It is possible that some may rely on your psak. If you are confident enough with the psak leave it. However, if you do not wish to have others rely on you it behooves you to be mevarer this inyan by respected poskim and post there response.

    Yeruchem From Around The World: 1) Are you sure that these women are using Chabad mikvaos and not properly constructed mikvaos that are also used by Chabad (which they can do Le’Chatchila, they are not forced to rely on a koola that there Rebbe did beshas hadechak.

    To all: There is no reason why Chabad can not make a mikvah that is kosher for all, yet they refuse and have hurt the mikvah campaigns in many places because the mikva was not ot be built with their mehalech. This is a very important problem and should be brought to light.

  17. One final point let Chabad fund their own stuff. I have yet to see an appeal for a Lakewood Mossad on a Chabad website. What is the matter YW Editor you have no pride– Yes, Bnai Torah are better than everybody else and should be supported before anything else (look in hilchos tzedaka). People who sit and learn are doing the Ribono Shel Olams work. The people in Kiruv were nebach not zoche to sit and learn Why don’t I see any appeals on your site to support people sitting and learning.

    Editors Response: Thanks for submitting this comment. I’ll let the commentators deal with this.

  18. Stamyid wrote:
    “YW Editor I just pointed peolple in the direction of asking a shaila while you paskened outright that the Mikva is usable.

    Please find me the Posek who refutes what I wrote “it would be 100% muttar to rely on such a Mikva Bishas Hadchak where there is not a Mikva in hundreds and hundreds of miles.”

    We are waiting.

  19. Y.W. Editor,
    Please be careful in what you say. It may NOT be considered Bisha’as Hadchak just because there is no Mikvah in hundreds and hundreds of miles. If there is a lake or river within a few miles, then it is probably not a Sha’as Hadchak.
    I once heard a Shailah about Eiruv, where there is a Biur Halacha that states that you can be Somech on a Karfaf Beis Sosayim Sheloh Hukaf LeDeira in an Eruv only “B’Sha’as HadChak.” When I was in E.Y. I went with a Chaver of mine to Horav Elyashiv and we asked him what constituted Sha’as Hadchak according to the Biur Halacha? His answer was, “In a place where the Yidden are completely not Frum, and they would carry anyway and be completely M’Chalel Shabbos, they are better off carrying in such an area with such an Eruv.” Only that, said Rav Elyashiv, constituted Sha’as Hadchack.
    I have the utmost respect for you, Y.W. Editor, I am just not sure you are qualified to Paskin on what is considered a Sha’as Hadchak.

  20. Chabad are actually the Zoche ones. While sitting and learning is great, it is greater to share our Torah with other Yiddin, whom are now also learning Torah (on their level) Do I sense a little bitterness?

  21. My family and I spent a Shabbos in Uzhgorod just four weeks ago (Thirteen Shtreimil clad chasidim walked the streets of Uzhgorod). We met seven families who committed to keep Taharas HaMishpocho and another family committed to start once the Mikvah was completed.

    I am no Posek, but for some strange reason I feel that the Ribono Shel Olom is satisfied when a woman uses a “Shitas Chabad Mikvah”, so why shouldn’t I be?

    We also met two young men who left their none jewish companion, in one case with a child, and committed to become Shomrei Torah UMitzvos. All of this happened because Rav Teichman decided at the age of 26 to move to Uzhgorod from Eretz Yisroel for the sake of other Yidden.

    He got his Chinuch from Chabad so when he committed to build a Mikvoh he built it according to the way he was taught.

    My family and I are still in awe of all the good we saw so we haven’t gotten around to criticize.

  22. YW Editor

    The commentators can deal with whatever they want, a person needs to be realistic about where he is at.
    As to your psak, if you put forward a psak substantiate it don’t ask me to refute it, unless of course, you are a poisek. Then please tell me who you have kabbalah or smicha in psak from. Also, what is shas hadchak are you allowed to travel or move to someplace that has such a mikva or do you mean if you happened to be shipwrecked there with no way to get to another mikva that you can be soemeach on the mikva. Please clarify your PSAK.

  23. Where did Stamyid come up with this nonsense! Lubavitch is makpid to use this design of Bor al Gabei Bor because it’s a HIDDUR from the Rashab who instructed his chassidim to specifically construct their mikvaos this way. There is a very thorough article regarding this topic written by Rabbi Jachter:

    The Building and Maintenance of Mikvaot – Part Five
    Five Approaches to Creating a Mikva
    by Rabbi Howard Jachter

    This is the link:

    At the end of the article, Rabbi Jachter quotes Reb Moshe Feinstein – Stamyid, have you ever heard of him – who writes that all 5 variations of creating a mikva are UNDOUBTEDLY KOSHER.

    YW Editor – Boruch Shekivanta!!

  24. to yw editor
    i for one dont have a problem with you stating your halachic opinions. however we will take it at just that. my opinion, your opinion , all others are equal. equal to 0 that is.
    it doesnt matter if you think you are right, if theres even the slightest chance that you are wrong , and/or dont have a psak halacha from a rav to back up what you say before you say it , than the post is worthless. what dont i just go on yesterdays thread and post my halachic opinions on strawberrys? because my opinion is worthless!

  25. Let’s seperate teh good and the bad in Lubavitch. As in everything in this world, there is good and bad. From what I have personally seen with my own eyes, Rav Teichman has started a revolution in revitalizing yiddishkeit in Uzhgorod as well as the entire Carpathians thru bringing the closer to Torah and Mitzvos with patience and love but above all, with emes. He is true and sincere in his work with only one motive, to be mekarev yidden to HaShem and to save entire doros of Klal Yisroel. I can’t speak about all of Chabad but this is one Shliach who is a true tzaddik. About the mikva, i am no posek but I am sure that a mikva is better than no mikva. By the way, was the Mikva in Munkacz also built by Chabad?

  26. To pick up on Krepel1’s question, the Mikvah in Munkatch was built by the Munkatcher Kehilla in New York and was built under the auspices of the Munkatcher Rebbe Shlit”a who personally oversaw the construction of the Mikvah. I saw a teudas hechser from the Badaatz in Yerushalayim. By the way, if STAMYID or SAMMYGOL don’t want to use a Chabad Mikva, then they can drive to Munkatch which is only 1 hour away from Ungvar and use that one. They don’t have to turn over the “world” over this. Just wish R’ Teichman hatzlocho and go on to the next thread.

  27. To Itzik_s:
    The Karpaten (Carpathians) is located in Ukraine on the border of Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Among the more famous cities and towns where great Tzadikim are buried ar Munkatch (Rebbes of Munkatch, Zidachov), Ungvar (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, MAram Ash), , Chust (Arugas Habosem), Bishtina (NAdvorna Rebbes), Rachov, Svalyava, Orshiva, Selush, Beregsaz to name a few. Hatzlochah on your move back!

  28. I am not a Lubabitcher – However it makes sense to me that they should build Mikvaos according to their shittah and not be machmir according to the other shittahs. If they were to be machmir they are saying that their parents, grandparents, and all previous generations that used such a mikva were not mekayem the mitzvah properly. No one is coerced to use their mikva, however do not say it is not Kosher Lchatchila for them.

  29. Please NAMELESS, check your map first. Sighet is in Romania, and the Mareh Yecheskel is buried in Dej, Hungary, both not in the Karpaten.

  30. Your right! But your not really’on your toes’ either. Mad ,is in Hungary as well. You obviously didnt know that OR ELSE YOU WOULD HAVE POINTED IT OUT! Did you ever hear of the Livushei mordechai? And the ‘kuntres hasfekos’, where was he buried???

  31. Krepel 1 said “I can’t speak about all of Chabad but this is one Shliach who is a true tzaddik”

    Well, I can tell you that I travel for a living and have been (with all my litvish shtick -:) to close to 200 Chabad Shluchim and each and every one I have been to is exactly as you discribe Rav Teichman. They are out there bemisiras nefesh for 1 reason only, which is to chap as many neshomois as possible and to bring them back to Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yakkov. To sit at home in NY and critisize them is the most foolish thing in the world. Go out there, see them and their work and then lets see you talk.

    And by the way, they claim that bor al gabay bor is a chumra!! And yes, thousands of heimishe (non Lubavitch) women use their mikvoas every week around the world. I happen to be at a conferance right now in Colorodo, with 17 chredisha Yidden and we are all enjoying the local Shliach’s hashgacha, his mikvah, his minyan etc… And the poor guy is not even here for us, here is here for all the fray people!!!
    Stop whinning and take a real good look at Chabad around the world.

  32. Thanks for the info Krepel1 – I do hope to make a grand tour of all of the mekoimos hakedoishim once I settle back in.

    Are some of the Zidichov rebbeim buried on Har Hazeisim? I was very pressed for time when I was last there, but I remember passing and quickly saying a kapitel tehillim at three or four Zidichov kvorim.

  33. It’s so interesting to see so many jews with so many opnions. For the record “I want to be a lubavitcher”. You may ask why! It’s very clear to me that the lubavitcher’s are always on the vangard to help an other jew. Other’s have taken notice of this and gotten on the band wagon. This just enhances the truth and allows them to increase there efforts. If you want to have closed views about life you have full right. When a fellow jew does something, he does what is “NIK’ER” to him, hence a lubavitcher will make a mivka in his style. My fellow jews who have negitive views are just showing that they are “CHEF’TZA” and not “GAV’RAH”. Your true colors will always come out in the end. All the orginazations that finally are out there, should put there money where there mouth is. The poeple in the peanut galery should stuff them with peanuts.
    Thank you

  34. To NAMELESS: When your’e right, your’e right! Mad is in Hungary, and I am familiar with the Levushei Mordchai and the Kol Aryeh (Schwartz-Ehrenreich Family) who are buried there. I know that the Kuntras Hasfeikos served as Rav in many kehillos including Munkatch and Sighet but I am not sure where he was buried.

    As for Itzik_s question: There are so many descendants of Zydachov that there probably are a few on Har Hazeisim but not any of the frierdike. They are all in Zydachov, Ukraine near Komarno and Sassov.

  35. Krpel1,

    wasnt the ‘kol aryeh’s name Winkler?? I mean there WAS a Winkler in Mad,,,,,,,

    I think the Kuntres Hasfekes, Yudel Kahan ,a descedant of the Toisfos YT was buried in Sighet!

  36. The Kol Aryeh of Mad was named Rav Avrohm Yitzchok HaKohen Schwartz. The Levushei Mordechai of Mad, his descendent was named Rav Mordechai Leib Winkler.

  37. to 46 Krpei 1,
    My grandfather was Yosef Arye Winkler, son of Naftali winkler who was married to Sara, daughter of Yehuda Menachem Kahan Great Grandson of Rabbi Yehuda Kaha author of “Kuntras HaSfeikos”, his brother was Aryeh Leib Hakohen (that has been changed later to kahan. Yes Yehuda and Arye were sons of Toisfos. Big surprize, R. Yehua is baried
    in Tzfat, right next to R. Ha Ari, In the old cemetery.
    To 47;
    Rav Mordechai Leib Kahan (not Winkler) was my grandmother’s(who died in Auscwitz) Sara kahan who married Naftali Winkler, wasR. Mordechai kaha’s grandaughter.Rabbi Aryeh Leib Hakohen “Ketsos Hachoshen” was Mordechai Arye’s grandfather’s brother. It could very well be that Rav Mordechai Leib Winkler (I don’t know of him) is a descendent of Naftali Winkler. My mother’s name is Ester Winkler (Basch), she is 90 years old, lives in Israel.

    to 45;
    R. Yehuda Yosef Kahan who wrote “Kuntras HaSfeikos)Rabbi of Munkatch Sighet (and more), is buried in the old semetery in Tzfat, next to Kever Ha-Ari Hakasosh. (there is a Matcheva in “OHEL HA KOHANIM” in Sighet on his name, but we
    don’t know why.
    to 41:
    “Mare Yechezkel” was written by Rabbi Yechezkel Panet, who was father of Hancha daughter of Nachman kahan, son of R. Yehuda Yosef Kahan who
    wrote “Kuntras HaSfeikos”. You are right Sighet is in Romania, there is a matzeva in Sighet cemetery, in “OHEL HAKOHANIM” for Rabbi Yehuda Yosef Kahan, but we know that his resting place is in Tsfat, right nex to Kever Ha-Ari HaKadosh.

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