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Flatbush: Yad Eliezer’s Annual breakfast







Hundreds attended yesterday’s annual breakfast at the home of Mr. Eli Schron to benefit Keren Yisroel Mordechai which is a division of Yad Eliezer. Keren Yisroel Mordechai was founded Lizecher Nishmas Yisroel Mordechai Hakohen Miller Z”L. The guest speaker this year was Rav Yaakov Bender Shlita – Rosh Yeshiva of Darchei Torah.

6 Responses

  1. what a kiddush hashem how so many choshuve people and jewish celebrities take their time out on a busy sunday morning towards supporting such a great cause..tizku limitzvos..kol hakovod…

  2. I am amazed that someone–ostensibly one of the two individuals who is sitting with Rav Bender on the left (as no one is writing about the other picture)–is writing about how chashuv they are. . .

    I am even more struck by the purported kiddush Hashem some find to be made by those “chashuv” people and “celebrities” (celebrities are not chashuv?) who, with no doubt EXTRAORDINARY mesiras hanefesh, “take their time off their BUSY Sunday mornings” to attend the above-referenced event. Give yourself a round of applause, THAT is really inspiring.

    B”H, we have so many GREAT people who are otherwise writing deep seforim on all of Torah, giving shiurim to yungeleit, solving hostage and nucleur crises throughout the world, canceling their acceptance speeches in honor of their reciept of the Nobel Prize, performing life saving surgeris, achieving legal miracles in the Court ststem, so that they can eat some bagels and take picutres with a Rav.

    Seriously, you guys owe yourself a pat on the back. And, obviously, a lot of rest. Lots of it.

  3. Let us not forget to give a big Yahser koach to Reb Elchanan Hamada who put so much koach into making the function such a success. May Hashaem give the strengh to continue doing so much for the Klal !!!

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