Paladino Signs Pledge Against Ground-Zero Mosque

New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino has signed a pledge to support a group of construction workers opposed to a proposed Islamic community center and mosque near ground zero.

Wearing a hard hat, Paladino made the pledge while standing with a few construction workers across the street from the World Trade Center site Wednesday.

He said if elected, he would use any legal means available to him to stop the construction of the mosque a couple blocks north of ground zero.

Paladino said there were “many, many alternatives” to stopping the project, including “bleeding” the developers “dry.”

The proposed Islamic community center has upset some relatives of Sept. 11 victims and led to nationwide demands that the project be moved. Supporters say it would be open to everyone, not only Muslims.

8 Responses

  1. charliehall, more than just a few families are upset about the mosque. The mosque would be open to everyone because it would be used as a place to proslytize about Islam.

    As far as I am concerned, he has my vote.

  2. This is a great example of deomgogery at work. The Mosque case is a CITY issue. The governor has absolutely NO say in the matter. if the city grants the necessary permits, the governor has about as much pwoer to revoke them as I have.

  3. #3 Moose613,

    Actually, the governor could use eminient domain powers to seize most of lower Manhattan for preservation of the area as a historic site. The problem is, the state would then have to compensate the landowers the full market value of the property. This could cost billions of dollars that the state does not have. Enjoy your tax increase!

    Paladino is the most irresponsible politician in the state.

  4. #4 I read through cuomo’s agenda which was 191 pages and he did not mention the word pension once. The fact that he is not willing to even pretend to address pension reform is worisome. I dislike both candidates but will hold my nose and vote for Paladino as a protest to Obama. A vote for Cuomo is a vote for Obama plus he has no real plan to solve the long term issues facing our state.

  5. #5,

    I live in NY and I *do* care about Paladino’s irresponsible proposals.

    Federal, state, and local governments all have eminient domain authority, as do certain private businesses in the energy and transportation sector. I looked up New York’s law and it appears that the governor of New York has personal eminent domain power anywhere in the state. Conservatives used to oppose abuses of governmental power, but that appears not to be the case any more.

  6. #7 I do live in NY and I care about Cuomo’s irresponsible proposal which I read through, which does not include one mention about pension reform. If you do not think this is a huge issue try reading Roger Lowenstein’s While America Aged. FYI Lowenstein is not a conservative by any means, he devotes a third of the book to the MTA and their multi billion dollar pension gap due to irresponsible tax borrow and spend politicians like Cuomo who promised them lavish pensions which were unfordable.

    Maybe the book will enlighten you a bit.

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