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Iranian Prez continues with his fascist remarks

achmadinijad.jpgIran’s president said on Sunday the Lebanese and the Palestinians had pressed a “countdown button” to bring an end to Israel, but says Iran is not a threat. “With God’s help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech. “By God’s will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future,” he said. He did not elaborate.

14 Responses

  1. That would indeed be catastrophic. The Zionists have successfully convinced the world that Judasim = Zionism (and I mean Zionism in the political sense). Because of that, Arabs now hate Jews, not only Zionists. So if the Zionist regime would cease to exist, we still would be hated and probably persecuted.

    This mess was caused by the Zionists. If they hadn’t started with their nonsense in the late 19th century, when England would have left Palestine in the 1940’s it would have been under control of Arabs, who would have been friendly to the Jews. We would then be to live in Palestine, in Artzeinu Hakedosha. We would visit all the holy sited without fear. We wouldn’t have suicide bomber killing us. We wouldn’t have caused the whole world to hate us even more than they did already.

    What a mess they created!

  2. Who ‘THINKS’ he knows, our resident Palestinian sympathizer,

    1. Ever heard of the Chevron Massacre?

    2.There was INDEED violence between Arabs and Jews before Zionism, maybe not as much as now but there was.

    3.’we would have been under control of Arabs who would have been ‘friendly’ to Jews….’. do us all a favour, go back to sleep!!

    4.Eisov Soineh Lyaakov…..we would be hated anyways!

    5. Lastly, in spite of the mess Zionists created, would you prefer that Israel currently beunder Arab rule rather than Jewish sovreignty???

  3. His nose is larger than any Jewish nose I have ever seen. Since when are Jews the ones that have big noses?

    Is that picture a real picture?

  4. Who knows: The Moslems have been hating Jews for 1400 years. Zionism has nothing to do with it.

    The Moslem religion teaches that if you’re not Moslem you have three choices: (1) convert; (2) be subjugated and abused; or (3) be killed. No exceptions.

  5. re: Who Knows”: As your screen name implies, we don’t know how Hashem will choose to get rid of the Zionist regime.

    The Zionists certainly did manage to convince the world that Zionism=Judaism, but once the regime is gone, the world, including, the Arabs, will, hopefully, have the wool removed from their eyes, and see that Judaism has nothing to do with the blasphemy of Zionism.

    The classical Arab view of the Jews is not quite as romantic as you make it out, though: Arabs still, according to their holy book, remain dominant and domineering of those who do not subscribe to their faith, including al-kitab, people of the book, Jews, as well as Christians.

    This means being a dhimmi, an inferior, paying taxes to the ruling Muslims simply for being a non-Muslim, and all sorts of other rules, similar as well as more drastic than the one above.

    I believe that Mandatory Palestine, had there been no Zionist interference, would still be open to Jews (to visit), though not like a Britian, Canada, the US, etc. And I have no doubt that the Arabs would extort whatever they could from the Jews to allow them to visit the mekomos hakedoshim.

    Prior to Zionism, as you said, though, the Arabs certainly did not hate Jews, to any degree near the way they hate the Zionists now.

    May Hashem bring the true and final geula for His people, speedily and in our days.

  6. Re: Chevron Massacre:

    How many people are aware that right before the massacre that some Zionist “rabbi” came out with this absurd “Shema Yisrael HaKotel Shelanu Hakotel Echad”, and riled up all the Arabs that they were going to take the Kosel from them?

    The Arab masses started worrying about their so-called Al-Aqsa (not really what the Qur’an referred to when it mentioned “al-aqsa”, the farthest place, but that topic is for a different day) mosque and broke out with their savage (pere adam) violence against innocent Yeshiva students, whom they wrongly assumed was affiliated with the Zionists since they were European just like the Zionists and NOT like the sefardim who had been there before and also lived in Chevron and were not touched during the massacre…hmm, makes you wonder…

    So, yes, the Chevron Massacre has EVERYTHING to do with Zionist aggression, and not, as Zionists (and people who don’t know REAL history) love to do, turn it into proof of Zionism righteousness. As they say here in the streets, there ain’t none of that.

  7. There is no need to enlarge this rasha’s nose. It’s an immature thing to do and it takes a bit of the focus off of the seriousness of this man’s potential harm to Klal Yisroel.

  8. Hak,

    Those 67 or so Jews were murdered by Arabs not by Zionists! Implying that they ‘asked for it’ is as primitive as reinforcing Hitler YM’s theory that German Jews were responsible for the problems in Germany( losing world war 1, a bad economy etc.°) and therefore provoked their own downfall and the downfall of Ehrlicher European Jews in general,

    But anyways, you still didnt adress the issue of whtehr or not it would be better for Israel to be under Arab sovreignty instead of Jewish,,,,,I guesse the answer you want to give is not consistent with content of your post,,,,,

  9. jdspero,

    I’m surprised by your comment. You have always been a mature and dignified presence on YW. It’s not like you to badmouth a whole community like that.

    I’ve done the same, so I can relate. Let’s both be careful.

  10. i tink that Reshoyim shood all have “Erech Apayim” like dis we know how to reconize them.
    Hazloocha Rabba L’oivdei Hashem (“V’koivei Hashem Yachlifu koiach)!

  11. hakatan
    “I believe that if Mandatory Palestine….Jews would be allowed to visit”……
    dream on,he would have received the same treatment that a Jew gets if he dares steps foot in the Saudi Arabei airport.
    The talk of victimhood is lacking in sechel, if only we don’t repair the ramp to the Har Habayit, if only we didn’t yell- hashem echad at the kosel, if only we didnot settle the land of Israel, (those first settlers who left the old yishuv to Meah Shearim and Sharei Chesed), if only we would not exist THEN the ARABS would like us, smile at us, and be our friends. Right on, YISHMAEL!!!!

  12. geat work on the photography. his big nose in the photograph will distract everyone from his nutty ravings!! good job.

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