Hikind Asks For Community Assistance In Solving Hate Crime

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is asking for the community’s assistance in solving a hate crime. Yesterday, Hikind was informed by an askan that two Polish men were shouting “Heil Hitler!” at Jewish individuals on the corner of 49th Street and 12th Avenue.

Assemblyman Hikind contacted the 66th precinct, and officers responded in a matter of minutes. The perpetrators were eventually caught at Ft. Hamilton Parkway between 51st and 52nd Streets. Unfortunately, because no victims remained at the scene, the police were unable to arrest these two men. The police have advised that if even one person who was verbally assaulted comes forward to press charges, the police can proceed with the arrests.

If you were a victim of this hate crime or know someone who was, please contact the Office of Assemblyman Hikind immediately at 718.853.9616.

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. How about first fixing what is wrong with Community Board #12, Mr. Hikind.

    Anyone that would vote to re-elect Dov Hikind needs to get his brain examined.

  2. #1 How can you say something like that about another jew? Some comments need to be kept to yourself.
    I also thought the Editor weeds out the inappropriate comments.

  3. #2: Everyone knows by now that YWN has an agenda against Hikind. Why are you surprised? I am only surprised poster Dave Hirsch who loves to bash Hikind all the time hasnt weighed in yet on this post.

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