15 year-old charged with burning Neturei Karta Shul

nk fire cover.jpgRamapo police have arrested a 15-year-old boy today on a felony charge accusing him of burning down the Monsey Neturei Karta Shul on the night before Pesach (as reported HERE on YW). According to the Journal News Website, the boy was playing with matches inside the Shul and started the fire that completely destroyed the building. Police charged the youth with fourth-degree criminal mischief. His case has been referred to the Rockland Family Court for disposition of the charge because of his age. The boy is scheduled to appear in court on June 26. (To see additional photos of the fire click HERE)

14 Responses

  1. Remember all the accusations towards the Zionists, Hoodlums, Mosad of Israel, etc. so it was a kid playing with matches in the shul. What kid? One of the NK kids, neighborhood kids, which kid?

  2. All well and good, but seforim were burned: siddurim, chumashim. I’m glad the Sifrei Torah made it out okay, and that no innocent neighbors were hurt in any way.

    I’m glad that it was only playing with matches, and not deliberate arson. That would be a terrible chillul Hashem, no matter who deserved what. An ehrlicher Yid does not take such an action without a directive from a Bais Din or whatever it would take to make such a thing permissible. And somehow, I doubt burning down a shul under ANY context could be muttar.

    Though I should point that even though it was an accident amd unintentional, there is no such thing as a meaningless coincidence. Still, I’m not Hashem’s accountant, so what do I know?

  3. When June 26 comes around,please give us some information based on facts given in court. A15-year-old, playing with matches,in a shul,on erev Pessach at night of bedikas chometz? It just doesn’t make sense.

  4. can someone say why the crime of the netura karta is so bad that mr.yyy says “kein yovdu kol ovecha” or that thay deserved it? what was thair sin?denying the halacoust?thay never denied the halacoust in matter of a fact for those that know thay went to defend the halacoust.the biast media is the one calling the halacoust confrence halacoust denial confrence. thay were thaire to defend that thaire was a halacoust.and never downplayed the horrer at all.just the opposite thay did.thay said it just like any jew would put it down.

    so was thair sin that thay attended the confrence together whith anti semmites and halacoust deniers?
    i dont thinck so.
    if a jewish proffesers even a frum professer would attend that confrence to defend the halacoust and show the deyniers the truth no one would condem them so harshly.
    so that shows that it was the media that everyone is following and not the truth.
    the media is controlling our minds!
    it is injustice to say that thair shull was burnt down beacouse thay have a contriversal shita about the medina.
    thay might be to extreme, but thay certanly dont deserve such dirty ways to be condemmed and protested.as saying thay “deserved it” etc……

  5. yeshdin has no din and i am shure you are one of those minim and apikorsim they have a din rodef and haba lehorgecha hashkem lehorgo if they went to iran they are rodfim

  6. mr. yyy in what whay is the nk considered a din rodef?
    by going to iran?
    there r other choshover rabbonim that were in iran recently.
    the nk were in iran recently withe out condemenation.
    so what is now different?the answer is the media added a word to the halacoust confrence”denial”. and blew up the story
    the same media that u call anti israel, biass when u dont like what thay write then thay r liers.but when thay make our fellow jews look like such jucy fools u buy it.
    i heard that when the kallaver rebbe shlita heard about jews travling to iran attending a halacoust denial confrence and denieing the halacoust then he burst out in tears.
    when i heard this i almost burst out in tears hearing how peaple mislead the rebbe on lies and falss info that thay picked up from the news papers.
    if i would hear that jews deny the halacoust or even down play anything about the halacoust.i would also burst out in tears.

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