NYPD Officer Shot In Brooklyn [UPDATED]

An NYPD officer from the 75th Pct and a suspect were both shot near the intersection of Bradford and Blake Streets in East New York Sunday evening .

While chasing a suspect into a building, the officer walked into a hail of bullets and was hit in the leg around 8 p.m.. The suspect fired about ten shots, with the officer returning fire striking the shooter in the leg as well.

The officer was transported to Kings County Hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg, and the perpetrator was taken to Brookdale Hospital. Both are expected to recover from their injuries.

The officer’s name has not yet been released.

An investigation is ongoing.

Mayor Bloomberg’s Remarks as Delivered Tonight at Kings County Medical Center Follow:

“Good evening. I’m here with Police Commissioner Kelly, Chief of Department Esposito, Dr. Eli Kleinman, the NYPD’s Chief Medical Officer, Chief of Detectives Phil Pulaski, Chief of Internal Affairs Charles Campisi, Chief of Brooklyn North Gerald Nelson, Transit Chief James Hall, Father Robert Romano – an NYPD Chaplain, Pat Lynch from the PBA, and not here with us but so important are the doctors from the Kings County Trauma Center, Dr. Kirtz, Dr. Angus, and the head of it Dr. Asher Hirshberg.

“Just about two months since we were in a hospital for a similar, almost tragic event. Tonight I’m here because Police Officer Richard Ramirez was shot while on duty, helping keep New York the safest big city in the country. He is now in surgery, receiving world class care here at Kings County Medical Center, and doctors do expect that he will survive and make a full recovery. I met upstairs with his wife Anna, mother Norma and his father Richardo, and some brothers and sisters, and thanked them on behalf of the City.

“You should know that Officer Ramirez – who just turned 29 years old on October 10th – has been on the force for four years, assigned to the 75th precinct here in Brooklyn. Tonight he was patrolling the streets as part of a three man anti-crime team. The team was in plain clothes when they encountered an individual with a handgun about 8:00 tonight, they gave chase.

“The perpetrator ran into a building and up to the third floor where he turned and fired on the officers, hitting Officer Ramirez twice in the right leg. The three officers returned fire and wounded the perpetrator, who is now in surgery at Brookdale hospital.

“Commissioner Kelly will provide details on the incident, but let me just add that Officer Ramirez patrols our streets night and day, and one of the toughest challenges he faces is catching people who carry illegal guns like this one.

“It is highly dangerous work – and it is hugely important – because if Officer Ramirez and his team had not confronted the suspect, the shooter would still be on the street, and he may well have killed innocent New Yorkers.

“We ask an awful lot of our police officers. We ask them to take bullets for us – and they do. In return, we owe them a solemn commitment: to give them the tools they need to do their jobs, and to do everything possible to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.

“Right now, as a country, we are failing our police officers. There is much more we could and should be doing. And until we start honoring that solemn commitment – instead of playing politics – more police officers will be shot. And, tragically, they won’t all turn out as lucky as we were today. Some of the police officers will be killed.

“Let me just repeat once again, there are just too many guns on the streets in the hands of criminals and in the hands of young people. Federal law prohibits young people and people that have been convicted of crimes from having guns, and yet the federal government does not do anywhere near enough to help us get the guns off the streets. These guns are going to kill police officers and kill innocent civilians. It happens all the time.
“In this country, we have a Virginia Tech virtually every single day. Thirty-two people were killed at Virginia Tech; there’s roughly thirty-two people that are killed with illegal handguns every single day in our country, and we don’t do anything about it. We’ve just got to stop this. And that’s why we have this Mayor’s Coalition Against Illegal Guns trying to urge our State and Federal legislators and executives to do something to get these guns off the streets.
“Just thank God Officer Ramirez was not- he wasn’t- to say he’s lucky is ridiculous. He got shot twice. But thank God it wasn’t anything more serious. Thank you very much.”

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(Source: WPIX)

7 Responses

  1. Let’s see if anything changes. Crimes with guns are on the rise in Brooklyn. Maybe we need more cops (and not more traffic cops)
    The Mayor couldn’t care less about this cop. He’s heartless.

  2. Illegal guns out of the hands of criminals? Even upright citizens must cross a bureaucratic minefield to own a gun in NYC. Bloomberg has sued 27 out-of-state gun dealers, alleging they sold firearms illegally to undercover private investigators conducting a sting for New York. City officials say the dealers have supplied hundreds of weapons used in New York City crimes. The lawsuits, which name dealers in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia, ask the court to require monitoring of the shops’ sales. This is an out of control anti-gun ideologue. He blames guns, not the miscreant misusing them. How is that different from sending a car to jail because the driver was intoxicated? How did such a shortsighted, ignorant lout become the wealthiest man in New York City? And why do New Yorkers keep voting for him? Oh, right, I forgot. It’s because they’re New Yorkers.

  3. Hey Bloomy gun control doesn’t take illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. They are called criminals for that very reason-they break the law. What you really want to do is take guns away from law abiding citizens & you foolishly think that criminals will suddenly magically give up their guns. Well I’ve got news for you, they won’t. May I suggest something radical for a liberal such as yourself, its called stiffer penalties, you know similar to your outrageous fines you hand out to the good citizens of NYC. Try long prison sentences for people caught with illegal guns. Take away the judges right to have pity on the poor criminal as you’ve taken away the judges right to reduce the fines your meter maids, garbage & building inspectors mete out on the good citizens who voted you into office.

  4. Leave it up to a politician, to play politics. A wounded officer became a platform for gun control.

    Mr. Mayor. Making it practically impossible for law abiding citizens to own a gun to protect themselves from thugs such as the one who shot officer Ramirez may well also result in innocent citizens being shot and killed.

    You accuse those who disagree with you of playing politics. It takes one, to know one.

  5. The police officer goes to Kings Hospital, the suspect to Brookdale Hospital, both shot at the same place.

    This is segregation at best in 2010.

  6. If there is something to learn from Virginia Tech, it is that the only thing that can stop someone with a gun is someone else with a gun.

  7. bugnot, do you have a brain? Don’t you think that it is only the appropriate thing to separate the both of them? Where is your humanity?

    What is needed is a real death penalty with teeth here in New York State. You can bet on Cuomo not ever, ever putting a death penalty in place. Paladino will.

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