Flatbush Predator Arrested Solving Numerous Reports

Flatbush Shomrim received numerous complaints of a man driving in the vicinity of Avenue L & East 31st street exposing himself to young girls. Responding members urged the victims parents to make police reports. After another occurring incident one keen victim got a plate number and description of the vehicle and perpetrator. Shomrim gave this information to the 63rd precinct detective squad. Checking the registered owner of the plate, it came back with unfounded results since the plate number was expired.

On Friday, October 15th, just a few weeks later, Flatbush Shomrim received another call from someone spotting the vehicle, but the driver did not match the description of the said perpetrator. Members of Shomrim trailed the vehicle to its resident while having another member pick up a victim that can identify the suspect.

At the alleged perpetrators home a person walked out matching the original description. After the complainant made a positive ID members of the Flatbush Shomrim called the detective squad. Responding members of the squad arrested the perpetrator walking away from his home.

Shomrim thanked the victim and family for following through with the arrest. By doing so, this sicko will be off the streets from targeting another child.

Flatbush Shomrim urge all parents to please keep an eye on your children when their playing outdoors.

Flatbush Shomrim 24 hotline number is 718-338-9797

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(Dov Gordon – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. As sad as this reality is, we need to train children to
    1. look out for such things
    2. Look at and write down/memorize the license plate # and tell their parents immediately

  2. We need more people like this person willing to go out on a limb for the rest of our community.
    This person is a real HERO in my eyes.
    We must protect our community at all costs.
    Innocent children need to stay protected from the evils of this world as long as possible.

  3. There’s an extra digit in the phone number–probably the 9 at the end of area code. Can someone verify the correct number?

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