New action figures: “Almighty Heroes”

moses.jpg(Doesnt this look just like Moses? Not.) The original creator of the billion dollar G.I. Joe toy has moved onto a new line of action figures. This time, instead of a series of military-themed action figures, toy mogul Don Levine has begun selling a series of Bible-based action figures depicting champions from the Old Testament.

The action figure creator hopes that the unique series of Almighty Heroes will inspire children to take a deeper look into scripture.

“It is my desire that these inspirational action figures and fashion dolls create excitement for kids,” explained Levine, in a statement, “and develop their interest in the characters and messages of the Bible.”

The new series of toys was launched this month and include biblical figures such as Samson, David, Noah and Moses. For girls, there are fashion dolls based off women such as Queen Esther and Deborah the Warrior.

Besides the figures themselves, the toys also come with their own Bible storybook. Levine, who is Jewish, hopes that children can learn about the same heroes that he did as he grew up.

“The battle of Good versus Evil is what makes these characters stand out,” added the toy tycoon known to some as “the father of G.I. Joe.”


11 Responses

  1. Personally, I shall wait for the “Psychology et Philosophy” toy set. I want to pit Frued and Jung together.

  2. Maybe kids will play with them and connect to Bible Stories as they say, “Different strokes for different folks”.

    As my Father ZT”L (a Chassidic Rebbe) taught us, we should never use the term “Old Testament” — as mentioned at the end of the first paragraph — because it implies that there was R”L a Bris Chadashah. The proper terms are Torah or Tanach.

  4. Hopefully, such toys will never enter religious Jewish homes and schools.

    Isn’t this what most modern “Jewish” music looks like today? Wild, boorish, fierce, unrefined; bekitzur: without a yiddishe taam, and should also not appear in any chareidishe home.

    Atheist who don’t believe there’s a G-d and deny the Bible, what do they say about these toys?

  5. You gotta be kidding? What won’t they think of next? This is what people are buying for their children? My einikel is too good for a toy like that!

  6. I’m sick to my stomach.

    I can hardly wait for the new Biblical G.I. Joe. They should call him G.I. Job

  7. who was it that wrote a few years ago that american girl is “avoda zarah”? after all, look at how girls play with it, serve it, etc.

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