Lauder and Bronfman join forces for WJC control

World Jewish Congress presidential candidate Ronald Lauder has joined forces with Matthew Bronfman, (son of outgoing WJC president Edgar Bronfman – who recently resigned as reported HERE on YW) in advance of next month’s elections, Ynetnews has learned. The Bronfmans will support Lauder’s candidacy in return for Matthew being appointed chairman of the WJC’s governing board.

7 Responses

  1. These mechallelei shabbos are fighting for the control of the WJC so that they can brag at their treif cocktail parties who is a better Jew. L’chaim!

  2. Flatbush Bubby,
    Instead of talking about Lauder’s shortcomings,focus on the schools he has opened in Eastern Europe. We are talking about millions of dollars.

  3. Monseyman: I think Flatbush Bubby still has a point: As long as it is clear that these people do not represent your typical “Jew in the street”, they can do whatever they want for world Jewry; this way, we avoid Chilul Hashem about any shortcomings in observance they people may have.

    When someone hears “WJC”, they think “Jewish Vatican (lihavdil)” – this is a misconception that must not be continually perpetuated.

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