Bloomberg supports Felder for NYC Comptroller

felder.jpgThe election of a new city comptroller is more than two years away and already candidates are scurrying for contributions and support. Mayor Bloomberg could play a key role in the race. Although he’s made no endorsements, he hosted a fund-raiser at his Upper East Side home for City Council member, Simcha Felder, a likely candidate. (NY Sun)

6 Responses

  1. That is the payback to Felder for not coming out in full force against the water rate hikes of over 11% and standing fully behind Bloomy in the 18.5% property tax hikes several years back. These two issues are those whcih very much impact on large families, of which be”h the frum community is a part of.

    I warn that should Felder get the comptrollership, you can expect to see all types of user fees instituted and all existing taxes increased to keep the appetite of this liberal govt. satiated.

    We need conservative fiscal restraint in this city. NOT TAX HIKES and the like.

  2. He would be an excellent choice. But, I would like to see him in Albany or even representing New York in Washington, D.C.!

  3. Simcha Felder is a great guy, I wish him the best of luck!

    Anyone who ever had a chance to know him personally thinks the world of him, and he is a great politician and askan to boot!

  4. Dont think its a great idea to have a frum guy in charge of the money; just imagine the potential fallout.

  5. how can yeshiva world support a man who supports the very outspoken about her alternative lifestyle Christine Quinn.

    There seems to be some hypocrisy going around.

    Editors Note: Kindly explain to everyone where you found that Yeshivaworld supports Simcha Felder.

    We are waiting.

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