Baltimore: Crime Forum – Tonight!

gansler.jpgMaryland Attorney General Doug Gansler and Baltimore City Councilman Keiffer J. Mitchell will host a community forum that will focus on the community’s concerns about juvenile crime, increased violence, gang issues and other crime issues.  Mitchell and Gansler will share their ideas for addressing the recent spike in crime, especially juvenile crime, in Northwest Baltimore. Questions and answers will be taken by both officials. At Tov Pizza – 6313 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, MD 21215, this evening (Tuesday) May 29, 2007 at 6:00 PM.

6 Responses

  1. Both Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler and Baltimore City Councilman Keiffer J. Mitchell have been excessively cooperative and responsive to the needs of the Jewish Community in general and the Frum community in particular. Councilman Mitchell is running for Mayor of Baltimore City and all within our community should support his efforts to turn Baltimore City around.

  2. hey urbmase i live in b’more city and i think in the northwest area it is very safe on park heights avenue they have a series of cameras monitoring the street the whole day

  3. Who do you think you are fooling Phillybochur? They are just trying to make a show. Just go down Park Heights Ave. just south of Rogers Ave. and you can see for yourself drug dealing right there in broad daylight. The Baltimore City police department is only willing to keep the numbers down. And chalebeebe, cameras are only effective if there are police officers with superiors who are willing to make arrests. And Mayor Sheila Dixon is only willing to cater to her community!

  4. FlatbushBubby – You are right Mayor Dixon only wants to serve her community. That is exactly why the Frum Community needs to go out and vote for Mitchell in September.

    If it were such a show why did Gansler come to so many frum events. He is not up for election for 4 more years. You know why? Becasue he promised that he cares about his Jewish Brothers and Sisters.

    Mitchell is the same way. He has been to the Frum neighborhood many times, travels to Israel to learn about Security and Safety.

    He wants to change the Police department and make Baltimore Safer. He supports Shomrim and NWCP and has spent time with both.

  5. Let’s be honest here for just a second. While I applaud what the NWCP and Shomrin have done, they far overstep their bounds as it relates to the BPD. Neil asks for six officers to be detailed to a funeral at a time as if for one, the BPD works for him, and for two, they would able to provide that level of service for anyone else. The NWCP and Shomrim alike have this mentality that their calls for police attention far outweigh any other need the city might have. When they start playing by the guidelines that other community groups are bound by, maybe they will build a better relationship with the city.

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