NMB: Mayor meets with Jewish community

alvarez.jpgAs Yeshivaworld has been reporting, the Jewish community in North Miami Beach had requested a meeting with Mayor Alvarez – after a horrifying shooting in the Frum neighborhood. The community staged a protest demanding a meeting, and he finally agreed to meet. An attendee writes the following recap of the meeting: 

The meeting was very cordial and the Mayor seemed to understand our concerns and need for being safe and feeling safe. He had concrete suggestions and asked his Chief of Staff, Denis Morales, to immediately speak to the people in the appropriate departments to set the wheels in motion to help achieve our joint goals of greater safety for our community.
The Mayor seemed appreciative that our community is willing to be a partner in finding solutions. The Mayor suggested that we meet again in three months to be sure we are making progress.
From our community Mark Goldstein, Isaac Jaroslawicz,Yehuda Kaplon, Chaim Meisels, Rabbi Shapiro and Alan Sakowitz participated. Major Mark Jeter, Chief Randy Heller and Assistant Director Niam Erched all participated from the Miami-Dade Police Department.

2 Responses

  1. As heard at the conference: “Sounds wonderful, which way to the buffet table?” “What, no smaltz herring?” “Looks like we need to have another meeting with this Mayor Alverez.”

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