Funds needed to locate body of missing Yungerman

toronto11.jpgDear Brothers and Sisters, RACHMANIM BNEI RACHMANIM: Is the silent cry of this Agunah reaching your hearts? Can you hear the three young orphans crying and can you look into their frightened heartbeats? Can you even begin to imagine the never ending agony of the family? The living nightmare of no shiva, no kevurah, no kadish, no closure, no nechama, no trace, no future, no relief, no end…AVRAHAM ELIMELECH BEN DEVORAH. The 30 year old young husband and father, who was lost while boating on August 21 2006 and not yet found in spite of constant searching…

We must turn to your merciful hearts…The next four weeks are crucial…the waters are at the best advantage stage for divers to descend (because there is no existing plant or marine life yet), and literally cover every inch of the 20 mile estimated area, and scrape the floor…until his body is found. (G-d willing)

We are reaching out to you!

THOUSANDS  MUST BE RAISED NOW!! The clock is racing against us. Please respond immediately. Send your generous donation today…free the agunah…give her another chance at life…

Help the soul of AVRAHAM ELIMELECH BEN DEVORAH come to its final rest and ascend to the Keesay Hakavod to beseech Hashem on your behalf. In the Zechus that you help relieve their anguished cries, may Hashem spare you from pain, and shower upon you an abundance of happiness and peace.

This is a once in a lifetime mitzvah…

Please don’t let it slip by! The agunah is counting on you, her brothers and sisters…

Ezra Grazi
Cell# 917-566-4082

Please send checks to: (Mark “AGUNAH”)
c/o Rabbi David Ozeri
1648 E 10 ST
Brooklyn, NY 11223


c/o Schnurmann
71 Estate Dr
Fallsburg, NY 12733
Rabbi Eli Mansour        Rabbi Shmuel Choueka
Rabbi David Ozeri        Rabbi Elya-Ber Wachtfogel

(Submitted to Yeshivaworld VIA email)

6 Responses

  1. Is there any way how people from outside USA can contribute? Foreign cheques are useless. Paypal or something similar?

  2. To all single boys and girls:

    Many of you have tried “everything” to get married, from forty days at the Kosel to forty visits to mekubalim. Perhaps by helping someone have a chance to get (re)married would be THE zechus.

    This “segulah” may not have been said by an exotic Rabbi such as R’ Osh Kosh the mekubal from Beijing, but common sense it is!

  3. I thought that she would be permitted to remarry based on the din of “mayim she’ein lahem soif”. This was intimated by one of the Toronto rabbanim at an Asifa, where he talked about the “Almanah and yesomim”; does anyone know anything about this?

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