Levaya of Mra Rivka Ziskind A”H

candle3.gifThe Levaya of Mrs. Rivka Ziskind A”H – formally of Detroit and currently of Lakewood – will take place in the Lakewood Chapels this afternoon at 1:00PM. She was the Almanah of Rav Sholom Ziskind Z”L and was unfortunately Niftar after a long illness R”L.

17 Responses

  1. eisha tzidkania
    Wonderful mother, mother in law, bubby, sister, friend, teacher par excellence, neighbor, a shalem, baalas chesed, and outstanding person.

  2. She also lived until five years ago in Chicago. Her Husband R’ Shalom z”l was a principle in the Veitzerner Cheider in Chicago.

  3. Her and Reb Sholom aliehem hasholom had a profound impact on chinuch in america today. they leave behind four sons, each a torah gem, as well as a wonderful daughter. klal yisroel continues to feel their mark on chinuch through their great children. may the family be comferted bsoach shaar aveilai zion byrusholayimb

  4. Rebbetzin Ziskind was a true eshes chayil. She was an exemplary teacher at Cheder Lubavitch in Chicago – loved and revered by all. She was a dear friend to all who had the zechus to know her. Although she travailed greatly, she never lost her strong emunah in HaKadosh Baruch Hu. She stood by her late husband, Rav Shalom Zizkind z”l, during his illness with tremendous strength and endurance. I feel my life was indelibly enriched through my friendship with Rebbetzin Ziskind. May her family be comforted “bisoch aveilei Tziyon V’Yerushalayim” and may her memory be for an eternal blessing. She exuberant and sensitive presence will forever be dearly missed by all.

  5. And i should mention that when she and her late husband were in lakewood, he served as pioneering rabbi of the fledgling kehila of Shalom Torah Centers in Twin Rivers NJ. Week after week she let him go for Shabbos to a real midbar, where he would canvas the Friday afternoon shoppers to see who would consider joining a minyan until gradually he built a nucleus of davenners. From these they nurtured the first shomrei Shabbos in town etc.

  6. Actually R’ Sholom Ziskind is originally from Detroit, then Lakewood, then Cleveland, then Chicago. After his petirah Mrs. Ziskind moved back to Lakewood

  7. Mrs. Rifka Ziskind was a most caring friend. She considered the problems and challenges of those she knew as hers to act on and try to help. I can remember so very many times receiving calls from her asking me for shidduch ideas or job ideas for those she knew and cared about. She cared for so many and changed the lives of many. She taught New American (Russian) children in Cleveland for many years and was truly instrumental in influencing and redirecting lives. She was a ready shoulder to cry on and was there for the warm and loving hug of genuine friendship when it was needed. She left her imprint on each community she lived it.
    She was so very proud of her children and the love and respect they showed to her was beautiful to witness and set a standard for us all to emulate. What an extraordinary woman my friend Rifka was, she shall be missed and thought about often. May the family find comfort in remembering her wisdom, sensitivity, loving nature and many amazing accomplishments.

  8. Mrs. Ziskind was a wonderful teacher, co-worker, and friend. She taught my son here in Chicago in nursery and pre-1a. She was terrific! She was loved by all and will be sorely missed. May her family be comforted B’Soch Sha’ar Aveilai Tzion B’Yerushalayim.

  9. Is there a phone number to reach the family? She has touched the lives of so many people. So many of us who don’t live on the east coast would want to call to express our sympathies and be Menachem Avel at least on the phone. Rivka Ziskind was a wonderful, caring, and special person.

  10. I really know better than to question HaShem. They say he moves in strange ways. Shalom & Rivkah, were the most wonderful, gentle, truly caring and unselfish – unselfish is a big understatement for their lives were lived that everyone else came first. True Tzaddikim. So often they did without; so others may have. Sacrifices and hardship were not in their vocabulary, only in their neshomas.
    HaShem, you really made a mistake here. It truly gives me thoughts about trying to please you Master, and by this action here perhaps affirming that there is no pleasing him. I know Shalom & Rivkah would strongly disagree with me. My tears have filled cups trying to comprehend. Didn’t He know that they can never be replaced ?
    I hope that you are again happy & united together in Olam Habah. Peace be with you both. May the family have Chazak and Chizuk.

  11. Katchkah: I share your pain but Hashem never makes mistakes. There will come a tiime when Hashem will reveal to us why bad things happen to good people and we will then not only understand but fully agree that it was necessary.

  12. baalhaabos:

    Your statement has been used before and will be used again and again. It’s used when we don’t have answers. Perhaps time does help to heal wounds. Words of comfort while apprecaited, really do little to alleviate the pain and suffering. Many years ago I was told that “we’re being tested”, but ordinary test results are never so harsh. I’m sure I won’t live long enough for HaShem’s revelation, and if I did it would still be with some serious skepticism. I’ve already fallen out of favor with the Abishter and this horrific misfortune augments my negative outlook for Our People and for this world.

  13. katchkah, I am so sorry, you must be in terrible pain right now. They must have meant a lot to you. May you know of only happiness from now on and your faith in Hashem should be strengthened. Without emuna, it is very hard to live in this harsh world. I feel with you, it is so hard. Good luck and I wish you all the best in life.

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