Flatbush: **Security Alert**

warning.jpg[Original post: Motzei Shabbos] This past Shabbos, May 26 at about 2:30PM in the afternoon, a late model black car pulled up to a group of children who were playing outside on East 12th street between Avenues I and J. A bald white man got out of the car and opened his trunk and passenger side door. The man stared at the children and then exposed himself in an extremely lewd manner to an 8-year-old girl. Baruch Hashem, no one was physically harmed and the man got in his car and drove off after the mother came outside. A police report was filed and Shomrim have been alerted. [The 8-year-old girl reported that this man was on the block several weeks ago and had been staring at her.] If anyone has any additional information that may be of assistance to the police investigation please call the NYPD 70th precinct at 718 851 5531 ext. 32.

UPDATED DETAILS 9:13PM EST Sunday Evening: Perp description – white tee shirt, blue shorts possibly with white in them as well. Whitish Grey eyebrows. Estimated age 40 but difficult to know for sure – due to baldness. Estimated weight approx. 185 pounds and estimated height between 5.8 and 5.11 inches.
More importantly – if anyone has surveillance video from Saturday/Shabbos between 2:00PM and 3:00PM in the vicinity of between Avenue I and K from Ocean Avenue to Coney Island Avenue, Kindly review that video for a person or car approximating the descriptions given, and if you find a match please forward that information to the detectives in the the 70th precinct.

Please note, it is possible that the perp circled the area several times before deciding on a target, and it is possible that the vehicle and or the person was captured on video.

4 Responses

  1. fllatbusher-

    My neighbor’s allowed their children to play right outside thier front door. the front door was open and their mother was just inside the house. They were not exactly “alone”. Mind you, if they were playing inthe driveway, a more protected area, the same horrible thing could hae happened.

    Unfortunatly for us, our block has never “busseled” with lots of children, and with parents outside on Shabbos. Without an Eruv, and in the heat, it makes life very difficult.

    Also, being that we are in close proximity to the major shopping steet, and our steet is used as a short-cut around the traffic lights, it is very difficult to monitor who frequents the block. Yes we have to be more careful and more diligent, but our Neighbors did a great job in teaching their children who and what a stranger is and how to stay safe.

  2. All the ideas given thus far to apprehend the guy are meaningless. Everyone wears a T-shirt! And what were to happen if this guy changed his clothing since Shabbos!!!!!!!

    Give the license plate number of the car. He is certainly in the area. A license plate number of the car publicized to the community will result in the apprehension of this menuval in days.

  3. Unfortunately there is no license Plate to report. The perp drove off with his trunk open, possibly to thwart License Identification.
    We do know he was completely bald,white,and had whitish greyish eyebrows. If anyone has experienced similar incidents please make sure and report them to the authorities.

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