Cleveland Heights: Police officer shot & killed

At about 9:45 PM Friday night, Cleveland Heights police officer Jason West responded to a domestic disturbance call on Altamont Avenue (the street across from K’hal Yerayim) in Cleveland Heights. When he arrived on scene, he blocked an SUV from exiting the driveway at that address, and while getting out of his police car, two men exited the SUV and shot Officer West several times. He later passed away from his wounds at Huron Road Hospital. Jason West was 31 years old and a seven year veteran of the Cleveland Heights Police Department. The police later arrested their suspect. Cleveland Heights Mayor Ed Kelley released the following statement: 

“Today, the entire community of Cleveland Heights is saddened by the tragic and senseless death of Officer West. All morning residents have been expressing their concern and offering prayers for Officer West and his family. As the son of a Cleveland firefighter, I {Mayor Kelley} have always had the deepest respect for our safety forces, for those who put their lives on the line for each of us everyday. Today is a reminder of just how great their sacrifice can be. When we call the police, they respond and put themselves between us and harm. Today we honor the life and the sacrifice of this young police officer, Officer West. May his family know that the people of Cleveland Heights are praying for them during this difficult time.”

This tragedy is more than just for the police department and Cleveland Heights. It is a greater-community-wide tragedy that includes the Jewish community. The flag at Cleveland Heights City Hall is flying at half-mast, and those of us with flags, be it homes, schools businesses and all others, should join in and lower our flags to half-mast as well in memory of and respect or Officer West, his family and police officers everywhere.

As a thank you to the CH Police Department, in respect to Officer West’s family, and to show solidarity from our community, you can drop off condolence cards or Shiva-type trays or other items for the Police Department and the West family at the Cleveland Heights Police Department at Severance Circle.

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