Safety message from Governor Corzine

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Watch this 30 second film. It might save your life!

21 Responses

  1. Corzine must be a YeshivaWorld reader notice the post from april 27th (see below) from somebody named “mdlevine”

    mdlevine Says:

    April 27th, 2007 at 9:11 am
    “…$46 to corzine is pennies to us. The point is not whether or not he will be ticketed – he should make a public statement that he was wrong and nearly paid with his life for his mistake AND to put his money where his mouth is, present a check for the $46…”

  2. or maybe ‘mdlevine’ has nevious..

    and we know what Chazal say as to who has nevious ‘bzman hazeh’ 🙂

  3. mdleving, Stand high & mighty upon your pedestal!

    Why do you publically embrace that menuval Mark Levine? Besides his very foul mouth & disdain for true Judaism, he has a rough personality that does not befit a Jew. His precise political commentary does not clean his character flaws.

  4. As some one that has worked in EMS I can say that a seat belt can make all the difference. Sure it may feel uncomfortable in the beginning but it is well worth it. I have one to many stories on MVA’s that I have been to that if the occupants of the car were in seat belts the outcome would have been a lot different. Its no wonder that the Torah says “Unishmartem MEOD linafsosaychem”. The word Meod is no coincidence .

  5. I don’t think he mistaked mdlevine for Mark Levine, but rather criticized anyone for embracing (the actual) Mark Levine.

  6. well everyone who is the real “Mark Levine” I assume that you are referring to the radio host “Mark Levin”. I am not him and I do not pretend to be somebody that I am not.

    Moe, if you don’t like him, don’t listen to him. stop pontificating and go back to playing with Larry and Curly – now excuse me while I raise my pedestal up another notch. :o)

    b/t/w he was clocked by reporters going 75MPH on his way home from the hospital.

  7. mdlevine – Isn’t mdlevine one of the radio hosts nicknames? I thought your alias, as well as the fellow calling himself ”mark levin” here were doing so as fans of the radio guy.

  8. the “click it or ticket” or ticket campaign is well under way. just to spoke to a friend – this person got a ticket this morning (New York – near Monsey)

  9. Joseph – mark levin (the radio guy) he goes by different nicknames – dr. levin is one of them. the md in mdlevine does not stand for Dr.

  10. This video may save your life bec you will probably wear a seatbelt but he should have said that speeding with a seatbelt on is also dangerous.

  11. A very spiritual video. He says he should be dead but he is a nice person and he didn’t die and like he said it took an amazing group doctors and a series of miracles but he is still alive. It could save alot of people.
    TO: MDLEVINE: I was thinking the same thing why is everyone worrying about whether he will get the $46 fine its nothing. He paid for his medical care with his own money not with insurance and he said he did it because he said he thinks he doesn’t deserve the insurance money. But, what you said that reporters clocked his vehicle @ 75mph your wrong, it was 41mph in a new van that he got to accomodate his wheelchair, he shouldn’t have even been going that fast but your imagining just a “little” 75 & 41 big diffrence.

    The click it or ticket camaign is going nice & fierce in new york & new jersey. They have checkpoints and alot of things to help to make sure that people wear a seat belt.

  12. Looking at the video in my proffesional way I must admit that it was very nicely produced with a music-video theme…but the message is even more important…

  13. Nisht Ahe Nisht Aher
    from NJpolitics: “Gov. Jon Corzine was released from Cooper Hospital today — eighteen days after suffering serious injuries in an automobile accident on the Garden State Parkway. The New York Times reported that State Troopers driving Corzine “kept to a pace of about 70 miles per hour, even though the posted limit is 55 on the stretch of Interstate 295 that leads to Drumthwacket.” Corzine’s accident occured after State Trooper Robert Raskinski drove 91 miles per hour with an unbelted Governor in the front seat.”

    oops, my memory failed me. it was 70, not the 75 that I said.

    Joseph – correct.

    meanwhile, while all my friends here care about the origins of my nickname, in other news, we saw a terror attack in Israel that left a man dead and we lost Rebbitzen Rivka Ziskind A’H. there is a scary situation in Flatbush, and a cop was killed in Cleveland Heights.

    People are blaming Jews for rats in NJ and in a letter in my local paper, a writer bemoans a the potential new Yeshiva b/c the people that will go there will all be on welfare (journal news – Rockland, NY) – basically nazi like comparisons to parasites (rats in NJ and welfare in NY).

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