Baltimore: Shomrim and NWCP Yom Tov updates

police car.jpgNWCP: After communication with the NWCP regarding the Shavuos schedule, the Baltimore Police Department has informed us that additional patrols will take place in the area during the entire Yom Tov. There will be an extra concentration of officers during the overnight hours, due to the high volume of pedestrian traffic which traditionally occurs during Shavuos. 

In addition, the NWCP will have its regular police officer on duty during his regular hours, from 4:30 PM until 11:00 PM, both days of Yom Tov. Officer Jackson will be available to respond to emergency situations during these times. In the event of an emergency, please call 911 and then 410-664 6927 for immediate police response.

Additionally, an extra off duty officer has been hired, thanks to a sponsorship, to patrol the area between 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM on the first night of Yom Tov. This officer will also be available to respond to emergencies by calling 410-664-6927.

SHOMRIM: Details are being finalized about Shavuos night, the Baltimore City Police will have a Shomrim radio for direct contact, our hot-line number 410-358-9999 will be available for emergency use.”

2 Responses

  1. Ish Echad B’lev Echad, Who is like the Nation of Israel, who are constantly worried about each others. May we all be bless with a wonderful Yom Tov and an uplifting Kabalos HaTorah.

  2. i live in b’more and during shavuos i saw 1 patrol car and that was only on the first night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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