Weiner Announces Opposition to Selling Saudis High-Tech Weapons

New York, NY – Today, following news that the United States plans to sell Saudi Arabia a large number of F-15 fighter jets, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn), Rep. Chris Carney (D-PA) and Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV) sent a letter to President Obama criticizing the decision and emphasizing that Congress would oppose the transaction, with legislation if necessary.  If finalized, the deal would supply Saudi Arabia with new F-15 strike jets as well as 3 types of helicopters, and upgrade a fleet of F-15s that are currently owned by Saudi Arabia.

“Saudi Arabia has not behaved like an ally of the United States,” Weiner wrote in the letter. “Saudi Arabia has a history of financing terrorism, is a nation that teaches hate of Christians and Jews to their school children, and offered no help to the U.S.  as gas prices surged during the spike in oil prices. Furthermore, this deal would destabilize the region and undermine the security of Israel, our one true ally in the region.”
In the letter, Weiner made clear to the Obama administration that Congress strongly opposes giving military aid to Saudi Arabia, as evidenced by a 2009 amendment banning military aid to the country, which passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support.  

“If a sale containing weapons for Saudi Arabia is proposed to Congress, we will file a Resolution of Disapproval to block it,” the letter reads.

In 2008, Rep. Weiner was joined by 104 Members of Congress in introducing a Resolution of Disapproval to the sale of satellite-guided missiles to Saudi Arabia.

Read the full letter below:
September 15, 2010
The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
            We are writing to express our deep opposition to the proposed sale of high technology armaments to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.   If a sale containing weapons for Saudi Arabia is proposed to Congress under the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, we will file a Resolution of Disapproval to block it.
Saudi Arabia has not behaved like an ally of the United States.  They teach hate and violence to generation after generation of impressionable minds.  Despite repeated claims from Saudi officials since 2003 that current Saudi textbooks no longer include “inappropriate” language, Saudi textbooks continue to use the same hateful and violent speech toward Jews, other non-Muslims, and women.  Change in Saudi Arabia will begin when the Kingdom begins keeping its promises. 
Congress has spoken clearly that it doesn’t want to give military aid to Saudi Arabia.  In July of 2009, an amendment that would ban military foreign aid to Saudi Arabia passed the House overwhelmingly with bi-partisan support.  However, administration after administration continues to provide aid and sell high tech weaponry and advanced military training to the Saudis under the premise that in return they will moderate themselves and be a strong ally of the U.S. in the Middle East – even as our own agencies verify that the Saudis haven’t lived up to their side of the bargain. 
Congress remains opposed to aiding the Saudis militarily. Saudi Arabia has a history of financing terrorism, is a nation that teaches hate of Christians and Jews to their school children, and offered no help to the U.S. as gas prices surged during the spike in oil prices. Furthermore, this deal would destabilize the region and undermine the security of Israel, our one true ally in the region.
Simply put, Saudi Arabia is not deserving of our aid, and by arming them with advanced American weaponry we are sending the wrong message.  The United States needs to remain committed to Israel’s qualitative military edge over its rivals in the region and should cease all negotiations over new weapons sales to Saudi Arabia.
____________________        ____________________        ____________________
Member of Congress              Member of Congress                   Member of Congress

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

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