Passaic: Hachnosas Sefer Torah on Monday 5/28

The Yeshiva Passaic Torah Institute (PTI) will I”H be having a Hachnosas Sefer Torah Monday, May 28th (PTI) at 1:00PM. The procession will begin from Harav Shlomo Singer’s home, 375 Brook Avenue and proceed to its new home at the Yeshiva, 441 Passaic Ave.

7 Responses

  1. I was a talmid in Y.G. of Passaic when Rabbi Singer came to the Rosh Yeshivas shiur. It is a tremendous z’chus for him to be zoche to complete a sefer torah for his own yeshivah. Chazak!

  2. May the community of Passaic continue to grow. Amazing how this community bereft of Yiddishkeit and headed for a complete downhill slide 25 years ago has become a powerhouse of Torah today. The gadlus of Passaic is that as frum a town as it is, it is not a town “owned” by the Yeshiva. Hamaiven yovin.

  3. As a Talmid at Yeshiva PTI I had most wonderful and joyous time at the Hachnosas Sefer Torah. I will IY”H post a link for the pictures once I get some!!

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