Rav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita was the speaker last night in Lakewood at a parlor meeting held at the home of R’ Yisroel Levovits (Raintree) to benefit the family of R’ Yaakov Pepose Z”L who was Niftar and left over an Almanah and 8 Yesomim. Much needed funds are still desperatly needed to ensure that the Keren for this Mishpacha is adequately set up. (Checks can be made out to Keren Zichron Yaakov Yisroel and mailed to Fried 740 Valley Drive, Lakewood NJ 08701.) Tizku L’Mitzvos. (Additional pics HERE)
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Kol Hakavod to Lakewood for taking care of their own people, especially an Almonoh and Yesomim.