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Spring Valley: Voters approve school budget

East Ramapo school district voters approved a $187.2 million budget and re-elected both Board of Education incumbents.

Five-term incumbent Stephen Price of Chestnut Ridge fended off a challenge by Beverly Paige of Pomona while board member Mimi Calhoun, who had been seeking her second term, defeated challenger David Kandel of Wesley Hills. Suzanne Young-Mercer of Spring Valley bested Aron Wieder of Monsey in a race to fill the seat of retiring board member Gabriel Tenembaum.

The new budget represents a spending increase of nearly $8.4 million or about 4.7 percent. It includes funding for new programs and technology for the public schools and more special education and health staff for nonpublic schools, school officials said.

(Source: Journal News)

3 Responses

  1. $187.2M

    ~24,000 – Students total
    ~16,000 – Private Schools
    ~ 8,000 – Public Schools

    so even if $27.2M goes to Private Schools that leaves ~$20,000 per kid in Public School.

    Does anybody know how much actually goes to Private School kids? I would assume it is mostly for transportation (not sure).

  2. It was stated that the reason there was a increase despite the DECREASE in public school kids is to give the private kids more special ed and other resources.
    I was told that the Mosdos have no choice but to look after their own needs as opposed to helping Yidden save money on taxes.

  3. the primary increases in school, library and other local gov’t budgets, generally comes from contractual salaries and benefits increased by . When the current contract expires it is time to start following the corporate model for public workers and let them start paying for a share of their benefits. Why should people have to pay for their benefits and for a County social worker or for a shelf stocker in the library or a school superintendant (who makes more than the people paying his salary)?

    the special ed line item is 27.2M an increase of 1.2M from last year.
    transportation increase 1.9M
    benefits increases 1M (I need to do see the 2006 budget to see the increase to salaries).

    Even if the private schools get 50% (probably way high) of the special ed budget and and 75% (probably high) of the transporation budget, that comes to ~30M combined and that still leaves 157M for the 8,000 public school kids or 19K plus per kid in public school.

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