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Levaya of R’ Ari Dovid Block Z”L

candle1.gifWe regret to inform you that the Levaya of R’ Ari Dovid Block Z”L will be today at Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv at 12:00. He was R”L Niftar shortly after he collapsed suddenly at his home yesterday. He was 23 years old and was supposed to make a Pidyon Haben tonight. R’ Ari Dovid is originally from Phoenix, Arizona; and his family currently lives in Lawrence. He was married to Ludmir from Flatbush. He was a member of the Shor Yoshuv Kollel. May he be a Maylitz Yosher for his Mishpocha and Gantz Klal Yisroel.

10 Responses

  1. Message is clear. We can’t take life for granted. We have to be mispallel and show Hakoras Hatov by davening with more kavana the following:

    Refuainu in the shemone esrei
    Modeh ani every morning
    Eloky Neshomo every morning
    Asher Yotzar throughout the day

  2. He was 25 yrs. old. To make a sad story even worse today was the pidyon haben of his son. The same day as his levaya. Hespadim were given by his father, father in law, the Rosh Hayeshiva of Shor Yoshuv Rav Yager, and his uncle. Ari was an unbelivable person, who strieded daily to make himself a better person. He was a counselor in camp simcha for 3 yrs. He could be found in the Bais Medrash every morning at 6 oclock. He was going for Smicha. He had been married for under a yr. Baruch Dayen Emes. May we know of only Simchas.

  3. Baruch Dayan Emes!

    My wife and I and our family are long- time friends of the Ludmir’s . WE are just devasted by this horrenduous turn of events.

    HaMokom Yenachem…

  4. As a talmid of Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv for many years, I am deeply saddened and emotionally drained by the events that have transpired today. Ari was a prince among men, a kollel yungerman who sought not the trivialities of life but amkus (depth) in a blatt gemorah. The Rosh Yeshiva zall gezunt zien biz a hundret un tvantig yur (he should be well and live to be one hundred and twenty years old) lost one of his crown jewels today. We at Sh’or Yoshuv, Bochurim, Kollel yungerliet, Attorneys, Doctors, Accountants, Business men all who have spent time toiling on a blaat gmeroh within the koslei (walls) Bais Medrash (Torah study hall) have lost a brother today, we cry bittere tereren (bitter tears). As individuals who lernt in Yeshiva in the past and now must go out in to the “real world” on a daily basis, there is nothing more that we appreciate then a Ben Torah. Ari epitomized what a Ben Torah was and should be. May he be a Malitez Yosher for his family, our Yeshiva and all of Klall Yisroel.

  5. May the families have a nechama. I know the Ludmirs as well as the almana. She is very special and like her late husband has total faith in hashem and always look to get closer. She sacrificed gashmiyus for ruchniyus. Her son will certainly be a big Tzadik coming from such a home and understanding life in a real eternal way. Not only understanding but living it too and in such a quiet way. May R’ Ari be a malitz yosher to the entire familay and klal yisroel and hashem should give Faigy all the strentgh to continue to see life in the positive way she always did.

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