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British PM Tony Blair to announce his resignation

blair.jpgTony Blair returned to his Parliamentary district Thursday to call an end to a decade in power by announcing his resignation as prime minister and leader of the Labour Party effective June 27, 2007.

7 Responses

  1. Blair was a prince among world leaders. Sane, strong, and uncompromising when it was necessary to stand up and say “no.” He was a sheliach ne’man for the emes in the face of an entire world of sheker. His exit from the world stage is a tragedy as far as I’m concerned. Where are the good men and women out there? May Hashem answer our tefillos that the next British PM be an emesdikke mensch who stands up strong against hate, lies, and violence.


    He planned on resigning a long time ago, in fact most people thought he would resign a half year ago, his resigning has nothing to do with the Iraq war or any policy of his, its the norm in uk politics, he will continue to act as PM until the next labour election, he was 10 years in power and he said thats enough for him.

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