Brazil: A Kosher McDonald’s?

mac-israeli.jpgAccording to the JTA, the Jewish Community in Sao Paulo might be getting it’s first Kosher McDonald’s. The company is currently deciding if it’s a financially good decision to move ahead with the concept. Reportedly, a group of Rabbis from the Monte Sinai Congregation will give a Hechsher on the Shechita. McDonald’s is reportedly very interested in the concept – since there are 60,000 Brazilian Jews; half of them residing in Sau Paulo.

14 Responses

  1. destro?????????

    Whats wrong with kosher delight/??/?????????
    just like you will only see jews in dunkin dounts, why can’t we go to jewish stores???/??????????
    Or support jewish chains stores,

  2. i remember reading an articule about rabbi blumenkrantz a”h in far rockway ny they wanted to open up a kosher kentucky fry chicken and
    he was going to give his hascgacha but for some good reson he decided
    against it

  3. If you want a Kosher Cheeseburger, put fake cheese on a fleishig burger or real cheese on a tofu burger. In fact many stores offer this as a “vegetarian burger.” However, I think some people want to eat in a kosher “treif” chain restaurant just for the novelty as I’ve spoken with goyim who claim that kosher restaurant food is far superior to treif fast food restaurants. Let’s hope it’s because the grass is greener on the other side. and not Chas Veshalom to fit in and show we’re just like everyone else and eat there too.

  4. Before you eat your kosher cheeseburger be aware that there is a possible issue of maris ayin. This issue is mentioned in SA YD 87:3 regarding meat with almond milk. The RMA writes that one must put almonds next to it for this reason. The OU therefore requires that non-dairy coffee whiteners be in a container or single serve package when being served at meat meal. There is an opinion mentioned in Kraisi Upleisi and Das Torah that if it is well known that this is done the heker is not needed. Badei Hashulchan asks on this opinion and therefore writes that it should not be relied upon. This seems to be the position of the OU as well. The OU is lenient regarding margarine but BH is stringent there too. (I am unsure of the exact reasoning of the OU’s distinction, but my guess is that it is due to how common they are. I plan to clarify this with them). There are also various different ways discussed in the Poskim how to make the heker. As always, speak to your Rabbi for a final opinion.

  5. They are having a one-day trial on June 3 and thereafter hopefully monthly events with the potential to turn it into a full-time kosher store (like in Buenos Aires).

  6. The emes is that “Cheeseburgers” Fake “Bacon”, etc. are just against the spirit of the law. Hashem want us to Kidoshim Tiyu. This means in my humble opinion, not listening to Acapeela during Sfira that sounds like Violin, Tuba, saxaphone. I don’t want to be like a Goy.

  7. bamkac seems to be ignoring the sources that I quoted. It is also unclear that parve cheese is common enough to be included in the heter mentioned. Regarding sefira tapes, they are also questionable. There are those who permit them, but R’ Belsky feels that it depends upon how it is made, and R’ S. Miller feels that the stereo itself can be considered a musical instrument and therefore feels that they are asur.

  8. What kept the yidden going all these years was/is our distinct lifestyle and adherence to our laws. Once we become so entrenched in the goyishe ways you won’t be able to tell anymore who’s jewish and who’s not. Everything goyish and treif does not have to become mutar.

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