Fallsburg’s rezoning meeting gets a crowd

fallsburg.jpgMore than 100 people gathered last night in Fallsburg for a public hearing on the town’s proposed zoning overhaul. The major issue in the proposed zoning is how the Town Board will classify one of the town’s low-density districts, right in the middle of the town, surrounded by the hamlets of Loch Sheldrake, Hurleyville, South Fallsburg and the Village of Woodridge.
The board has proposed allowing two homes per acre in that section instead of one home per three acres. 

Residents questioned how well “package” sewage plants would be monitored and voiced concerns about some 4,000 new homes planned to be constructed throughout the town.

Last night’s hearing at the South Fallsburg Community Center was the second on the proposed zoning revision. A vote has not been scheduled.


3 Responses

  1. if the casino really takes up Monticello, then many will be looking for alternate areas for vacation homes.

    Fallsburg & other towns should be ready to absorb it

  2. There are a lot of chasidim who would like to move up there so they don’t have to expose their children to the streets of New York City. I hope they are successful.

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