Tune in this Motzei Shabbos to Oorah’s Radiothon!

radiothon1.gifLipa (Shmeltzer) has big plans for this Motzei Shabbos, May 12th. He will be manning the mike with Country Yossi & Rav Moshe Meir Weiss Shlita on Oorah’s Radiothon! The Radiothon program is interesting, entertaining and a great way to spend the night! Great topics are planned for discussion and Oorah will be drawing $250,000 worth of prizes. Tune in to your local radio station, call Oorah’s Radiothon hotline, or listen online to hear if you won a car, a sheitel, a streimel, a trip to Eretz Yisroel, 10,000 CASH or more.

And yes, you can still enter the auction online and get a chance to win big! All orders over $100 donated from Friday onwards will be announced on the radio.

Tune in to Oorah’s Radiothon from any of these locations:

Radiothon Hotline: 712-338-8900 PIN 6865# or 646-519-5800 #6865 10:00PM EST






Baltimore WVIE

1370 AM

10:00 PM

Chicago WONX

1590 AM

  9:30 PM

Cleveland WKBN

570 FM

10:00 PM

Lakewood WMDI

107.9 FM

10:00 PM

Los Angeles KKLA

99.5 FM

  9:30 PM

Miami WKAT

1360 AM

10:00 PM


570 AM

10:00 PM

Toronto CJMR

1320 AM

10:00 PM

Tizku Limitzvos!!

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