Hezbollah captures….Chabad balloons

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Hat-tip: www.crownheights.info

24 Responses

  1. What a great way to try to bring Moshiach. I can’t believe that the balloons didn’t sway him. Second only to lighting a Menorah in the filth of Times Square.

  2. Mormat:
    Something as holy as a menorah cant impure in Times SQ more than it would in your window (in Lakewood, Crown Heights or elsewhere), since the point of Menorah is specifically “Pesach beisoi mibachutz”.

    As for bringing Moshiach. The shul I belong to had an event on Lag Bomer where the children were given balloons and each child had a chance to write a “message to Hashem”. The most beutiful expressions were written there by tinokois shel beis rabbon. I dont see what Chabad did in Northern Eretz Yisroel any differently. When each of us can see another Yid ask a bakasha of Hashem and not laugh at it but appreciate your brothers pain, then Moshiach will come.

  3. I read somewhere that Hezbollah initially thought that they captured some highly sophisticated spying equipment, which is why it was on Lebanese TV to begin with.

  4. To Reb MosheWhat does writing a message to Hashem have anything to do with balloons. That is bizzare, put the message in the Aron Hakodesh or ask a tzaddik to be mispallel for you, but what does it have to do with balloons.

  5. Can you please translate the missing parts as shown by the underscores? Thanks.

    Man:Go, take balloons!
    Man:The last word is mine!(laughs)The Chabad took balloons, and they let them go up north, and they wanted to write, “We want Moshiach now!” Here! The wrote it, but where did it rest(fall)? In the Levanon, next to Hizbullah. Hizbullah showed on their television this sign, not with the _____ but next to their soldier _____.this applies specifically to the Shiites, because the Shiites are waiting for Moshiach, several hundreds of years, but the Chabadnikkim are friends with the Shiites in this respect, that they want the Moshiach , too! Next year, _______

  6. Can someone please fill in the translation where the underscores are?? thanks.

    Man:Go, take balloons!
    Man:The last word is mine!(laughs)The Chabad took balloons, and they let them go up north, and they wanted to write, “We want Moshiach now!” Here! The wrote it, but where did it rest(fall)? In the Levanon, next to Hizbullah. Hizbullah showed on their television this sign, not with the _____ but next to their soldier _____.this applies specifically to the Shiites, because the Shiites are waiting for Moshiach, several hundreds of years, but the Chabadnikkim are friends with the Shiites in this respect, that they want the Moshiach , too! Next year, _______

  7. Stamyid:
    Have you ever been to a children’s camp? Its one of the things kids do, write a message to Hashem and stick it onto a balloon.

    Do you think that Hashem can only get the message from an aron koidesh?
    Go to Chabads websites (like I did) and look at the pictures of the more than 5,000 Lag B’omer events they put on. and over 100,000 fray children that joined and shepp nachas instead of knocking them. Why is it that people need to find something negative to say when they are clearly heads and shoulders above the rest of us when it comes to kiruv. You have a tayna, say it. Dont write foolishness when you have nothing to say, cuz then you lose credibility.

  8. Reb Moshe,
    You are entitled to your opinion but you can not label others as fools. I am in Chinuch, and I’ve been around. I do not think that it is a Jewish concept to send messages to Hashem with a balloon. “Lo Bashamayim hi – Beficha uvilvavcha La’asoso.

    As an aside: about 25 years ago the reform movement celebrated Birchas Hachama by sending balloons of the Empire State Building (or something). The Jewish Observer was very outspoken in condeming this unjewish idea.

    And if you are sending a message in a balloon, please be sure to say things like please. Try saying ‘Anu Rotzim Pizza Achshav” and see how far you get.

  9. Reb Moshe, please stick to the issue. What do balloons have to do with a message to the Ribbono Shel Olam.

  10. Hamdullilah! It is too bad they didn’t spike the balloons with plastic explosives. We would have had a few less terrorists to worry about. And we would have done Hezbollah a favor if those Chabad balloons were spiked. We would have been sending to heaven just the way they want!

  11. Reb Moshe,
    Yo seem to feel very positive about the Lag Baomer parades that were held by Chabad. But just to set the record straight, Lag Baomer has nothing at all to do with “parades” or “events”. There is not one sefer or any such minhag in klal yisrael to celebrate this holy day by either making or taking part in any of the above folishness such as flying ballons to hashem or any other of the non-sensical activities that take place at such events.

  12. Reb Moshe,

    the last time i asked a bakasha from the Ribonoi Shel Oilom, I wrote it on a piece of paper, put it into a bottle, and threw it into the ocean.

    about 4 weeks later i got a letter from someone in Australia telling me that he doesn’t understand Hebrew.

    now i would asume that Hizbalah DOES understand Hebrew,
    AND they will surely fulfil Chabad’s bakasha and send them Moshiach…in a prisoner exchange OF COURSE!

  13. Mormat:
    By dee zeyders hut men oicht nisht geleynt dee NY Times, does that stop anyone on YW to read it, or any of the other filth gishtuped news papers, I think not. Let Chabad do whatever they want, its surley not as bad as reading or watching tumah.
    As someone who grew up in Boro Park, I will go out on the limb by saying that Chabad mekareved in one day (throughout their 5,000 rallies) more yidden to yiddishkayt than you will in your lifetime.
    Nuf said.

  14. Stamyid & Azh:
    To finish this one up, I dont see why you are bent on finding faults with Lubavitchers. I have seen things which are a lot worse than writing a bakasha to the Ribbona Shel Oilam going on in frum areas and I did not hear a peep, it seems like the issue is more Chabad, than about Yiddishkayt.

    To AZh:
    I want to give you a major yasher koach for being in Chinuch and another Y.K for being around. I still dont think that you have a piyate’ on Chabad when it comes to kiruv, so for now I will except what they do and when you start to bring in B’T by the tens of thousands, I will come back to you for your “experianced” opinion.

  15. how did those things come down? usually helium balloons don’t come down, right?

    1- when Hezbollah caught them, they became the “hizbaloons”

    2- threes a guy in Monsey called the Ballooner rebbe, you hire him for kids party’s and he does all kinds of balloon tricks, so we decided that when the balloons bust , he becomes the “bustiner rebbe”

  16. Reb Moshe, please stick to the issue and stop the ad-hominem attacks. I will cut and paste my previous post “What does writing a message to Hashem have anything to do with balloons.” I did not critisize anyone or raise any problems,

    I merely asked a question.

    Please don’t attack me for asking a question.

    Please just answer the question.

    (BTW I am sorry to hear that you have seen bad things, I hope the Ribbono Shel Olam will help you. BL”N I will put a bakasha into shema koleinu for you.)

  17. Reb Moshe
    Re: your response to Mormat on 2:37Pm

    I live in BP and I work downtown Manhattan.
    now comes the summer and the tznius problems that THAT brings with it.

    I see bochurim doing the ‘Tfilin’ circuit here in the Wall St. area. These are VERY YOUNG BOCHURIM, some of them don’t even have a ‘zeicher’ of a beard..

    they are doing their thing and are ‘mekarev people to yidishkeit’, and at the same time they are also ‘shepping’ buckets of ‘yiras shomayim’ here in TZNIOUSDIG Dwontown Manhattan!

  18. scy4851:
    Vust hut boidem tze teen mit klutz???
    by the way, what makes your job in Manhattan mutar for you to see pritzus, more than a bochur in Manhattan doing mitzvois with fray people, which is putting out the ruchniyestiger fire burning? I heard a shmooz in Lakewood recently that all must do whatever they can to put out the fire. I was thinking at the time, what about Lubavitchers who have been putting out the fire for 60 years? Yetzt hub ich mayn entfer, Lubavitch iz anderesh, az they can never do anything without us laughing at them.
    This my friend, is not right.

  19. I will say I have seen that the Lubavitchers have a lot of yiras shomayim (more then others I have seen) and are determined to share it with others and not just live for themselves.
    Someone asked the Lubavitcher Rebbe zl this question when the first people were sent out. They said when you take a hot pot off a fire it will get cooled off quickly.
    The Lubavitcher Rebbe answered that only a pot that is removed can cool down, one with an electric cord will always stay hot and his shluchim and bochurim always stay connected thru their connection to their Rebbe.
    Do you really know what Lubavitchers live with for the sake of pure ahavas Yisroel, helping other yidden and bringing them closer to yiddishkeit?
    They live in Yehupitz, they homeschool their kids, ice cream and candies are seen only on visits to civilization. THey struggle for funds to cover their expenses and their work (and much more).
    No one is asking you to do that. You continue to live with schools, shuls and kosher food on your doorstep and go work in Manhatten. But the least you can do is to to respect and not cover over your guilty consience by making fun, saying degrading remarks, saying they are not doing the right thing…..
    Go try it for a week and we will see what you have to say about it…..

  20. Chana:
    That is the best vart I have ever heard!! Thank you for that beautiful story! I could not agree with you more.

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