Baltimore: Another burglary on Labyrinth

Shomrim of Baltimore have issued the following message for Baltimore residents: Last night there was another burglary on Labyrinth (3900 blk) We urge you to double check your doors and windows. 

A local Police Lieutenant has requested that we remind the community that “with summer fast approaching, we should remind everyone to keep bushes trimmed back away from windows and doors so people on the road can see one anothers homes. Also, [please] call when you see people just “milling” around.

We’ve also been informed, city lighting in the area has been an issue. If the street lights near your home is blocked, 1. Call 311 give them the exact location. 2 Ask them for a “service request number” 3. If it is not taken care of timely call 410-396-4900, they track the request number.

Shomrim of Baltimore Hot-line Number 410-358-9999

2 Responses

  1. Of course registering Republican and voting straight Republican at the next election would help too by encouraging a law and order candidate to run.

  2. I agree with bubby…Our liberal democrat mayor will do nothing for this problem.

    We also have to have Emunah.

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