Wanted for stealing at Mirrer Yeshiva

ganav1.jpgClick on the image to ENLARGE it. This man is wanted by the NYPD for breaking into the Mirrer Yeshiva this past Motzei Shabbos/Sunday morning & stealing an unspecified amount of cash. Should you see this man, please call the 61st PCT at 718-627-6611 ASAP.

6 Responses

  1. don’t laugh
    I recently gave police such an unclear photo from video surveillance equipment & they did actually catch the guy

    so u never know

  2. I remember when I was just newly married which goes back about 24 years ago of a mute person dressed with knitted kipah, tzitzis, and a white shirt going around Flatbush and collecting tzedakah for himself. Well, his father was an Arab, his mother was a shvartze, and that Rosh Hashana he broke into the dorm at Mirrer Yeshiva. Could it be the same person? Kinda far fetched.

  3. Kudos to the yeshiva for having surveillance equipment. This just shows why every business/institution should have one. Hopefully the man will be caught because of his picture.

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